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  • Reply to: A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute   11 years 1 month ago
    So give a list of the reputable deniers, with credentials and peer-reviewed works. Can't do it, can you?
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   11 years 1 month ago
    A 'good' attempt from 'a Miami medical malpractice attorney' below to deceive and mislead medical malpractice victims and the public. The facts are medical malpractice tort reforms, health care reforms and health liability acts all work to deny recourse and compensation to medical malpractice victims. These personal injury lawyers and medical malpractice attorneys are fleecing victims for sizable retainer fees while simultaneously getting kickbacks, and even jobs, from the medical indemnity insurance companies, as long as they collude to limit or minimize the medical injury 'adverse event' for the insurer. Tort reform is a goldmine for these deceptive law firms. The insurance companies run a terror and intimidation campaign against any lawyer or judge who actually fights doctors or the medical industry. That's why intentional medical battery and unnecessary treatments by doctors and dentists have escalated this decade. Indeed, there are no lawyers fighting the medical profession because they will be persecuted by the insurance industry. Medical malpractice, or 'negligence', which is increasingly a deliberate and perverse act by doctors now because it generates so much money fleeced from the victim, is the latest large-scale financial sector scam. The banks have predatory mortgage fraud while the insurers have health insurer scams AS WELL AS medical malpractice insurer scams - and lots of them, too, i.e. a whole inter-connected, elaborate conspiratorial process of cover-up that is Risk Management programs and the new onslaught of Reputation Management surveillance and silencing of any voices that expose their activities. The medical indemnity insurers load injured patients with a lot of medical fraud, like fraudulent medical records and false x-rays that go in their favour so the can humiliate the injured plaintiff in court. How much money have you fleeced from injured malpractice victims, 'Miami medical malpractice attorney'? How much has Kaiser Permanente, the Medical Protection Society, the Medical Defence Union, Avant, Doctor's Choice, and other MDO-insurers, doctor-owned insurers and medical indemnity insurers fleeced and ripped off from injured patients denied the justice they deserved and fair compensation in courts over the decades?
  • Reply to: Buzz off, Monsanto   11 years 1 month ago
    Yes, you're correct, Jim. The problem is not limited to honey bees. Pollinators of every ilk are endangered by these products. Moths, bumble bees, butterflies, etc. are decreasing in population. Now why, do you suppose, might that be? None of these are plagued by varroa. The varroa excuse is a mere distraction from fact. Monsanto, etal, want exclusive rights to call the shots when it comes to agri and api businesses.
  • Reply to: Top Quotes from ALEC's 40th Birthday Party in Chicago   11 years 1 month ago
    I wonder if the writer of this piece realizes that JBS actually opposes a con-con because it could lead to a run-away convention that would put our existing Constitution at risk?
  • Reply to: How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf   11 years 1 month ago

    You're full of crap. In the history of the world, the young soldiers of no country, save the USA, were ever sent into battle simply to free the citizens of that country from tyranny. American soldiers have repeatedly made the ultimate sacrifice simply to free their fellow man from bondage. And you say we are disliked by the world? Baloney. I guess its because we are so disliked that countless millions risk their lives to try to gain acces to living here. Grow up.
