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  • Reply to: Wisconsin Prepares to Hand Half-Million in Taxpayer Funds to Koch-Tied GOP Lobby Shop   11 years 1 month ago
    Bravo. By now, almost every voter in the state has been screwed by Scott Walker and fan club. THINK before you vote. Things can always get worse.
  • Reply to: ALEC, For-Profit Criminal Justice, and Wisconsin   11 years 1 month ago
    Thank you for taking the time to look into all of the above, and taking the time to post the information. My state, too, has a horrid history of prisoner abuse. I live in Alabama. Our state, though, even though RIDICULOUSLY deep red, is beginning to recognize the futility and expense of warehousing prisoners. At the time of this writing, they are still (of course) charging, processing, and warehousing African American men, but that now has a more institutional feel to it. The GOP doesn't want African Americans to vote, ever, so fully 1/3 of AA men have criminal records in Alabama. Nirvana for GOP. Disenfranchises fully 1/3 AA men, in one whack. Even with that particular GOP benefit, our State is trying to be more sensible about locking up absolutely everybody. Really, when it comes right down to it, Alabama doesn't have the money. My question, even for goofball Walker, who I agree is a dumb*ss. WHY is he locking everybody up? What about that precious budget he lies about all the time? I don't get it. What's the bragging point here? I'm serious - I really want to understand what he is doing. Usually their twisted motives are clear. Thanks, CamelotK
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Prepares to Hand Half-Million in Taxpayer Funds to Koch-Tied GOP Lobby Shop   11 years 1 month ago
    See, Wisconsin voters, what happens when you vote stupid? Now you are in the grips of the real leaches and they won't let go easily. Just remember all the things they have done and maybe after a few [not just one any more] election cycles, you may be able to rescue yourselves. Remember and vote for YOUR BETTER INTERESTS.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Prepares to Hand Half-Million in Taxpayer Funds to Koch-Tied GOP Lobby Shop   11 years 1 month ago
    I find myself in such a state of outrage - it's difficult to remain coherent. These people are so removed from any semblance of government ethics it defies comprehension. What's more - it seems to me they are practically inviting citizen insurrection. It's as if these people are 'daring us to stop them'. We have got to find a way to put these highly organized psychopaths behind bars where they should rot for the rest of their disgusting - fetid existence. It must become our mission to enlist 'respected long time conservatives' that have become as incensed as the rest of us. Norman Ornstein,Mike Lofgren,John Dean and others have tremendous credibility, we can leverage to organize panels at 'town hall forums' for purpose of exposing the ideological assault on representative government. We must shine a spotlight onto the nefarious Tea Party wrong doing that threatens the soul of our country.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Prepares to Hand Half-Million in Taxpayer Funds to Koch-Tied GOP Lobby Shop   11 years 1 month ago
    This is horrible and appalling. Is there any action that can be taken or suggested action? A petition or write to our representatives re: this? It has already passed while in the budget bill. Corruption with a capital C. Think of how much good that half a million could have done in this state.
