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  • Reply to: Failing Up to the Fed, A Reporters' Guide to the Paper Trail Surrounding Larry Summers   11 years 4 weeks ago
    Any report on Lawrence Summers should include that he is on the board of The Broad Foundation promoting corporate eduction reform.
  • Reply to: ALECexposed: George Zimmerman's Criminal History Includes Alleged Violence and Temper (Audio and New Documents)   11 years 4 weeks ago
    For all the extensive investigation this reporter did into Zimmerman's past, the story repeats common errors in the timeline based on the nearly 2 minute difference between the start of the dispatch call and the first entry in the dispatcher's log. Using the correct times, there were 2-1/2 minutes between the end of the dispatch call and the connection of Jenna Lauer's 911 call, and 4-1/2 minutes between the time Zimmerman said "he's running" until the first 911 call. Also Jeantel's phone call to Trayvon terminated a full two minutes after Zimmerman ended his call to dispatch - during which Trayvon was apparently seeking out Zimmerman to give him the "whoop-ass" which Jeantel admitted he did, spurred on by Jeantel's suggestions that the "creepy ass-cracker" was a homosexual pervert. The author notes that Zimmerman's past behavior was disallowed in the trial, but fails to note that Trayvon's much more recent past behavior was similarly disallowed, and the THC evidence was admissible because it was part of the autopsy. The author also pretends that pot is a benign drug and neglects to note that the most common side effect of marijuana use is anxiety and panic. "Between 20 and 30 percent of recreational users experience intense anxiety and/or panic attacks after smoking cannabis." – "Medical Marijuana and the Mind", Harvard Mental Health Letter, April 2010 The author gives the most biased slant to Zimmerman's very few and distant past run-ins with the law, when a different reading of the same facts could just as easily show that the allegations were as questionable as the recent claim by Shellie Zimmerman of gun-wielding domestic violence which she and her father are refusing to file charges for since there was no evidence to support them. In fact, Veronica Zuazo, the woman who took out the 2005 restraining order, testified to the FBI in 2012 that Zimmerman was “the last person” she would expect to be involved in a shooting incident, explaining that he “was not the type of person to place himself in a physical confrontation.” Finally, the author fails to mention that the reason the Martin family - oddly re-united after a 14-year divorce - is NOT filing a civil suit against Zimmerman is because Trayvon's recent criminal history would be revealed, as well perhaps as the broken and adulterous Martin family history which seems to have contributed to Trayvon's downward spiral into trouble and violence.
  • Reply to: The Other NRA: How the Insidiously Powerful Restaurant Lobby Makes Sure Fast-Food Workers Get Poverty Wages and Have to Work While Sick   11 years 4 weeks ago
    How about the people that work in retail some like family dollar. when i started at family dollar i was getting $7.25 an hour and four months later i got a $0.10 rise because the store i work at had inventor check and the store made it to what the store inventor was passed so every hourly worker got that $0.10 rise. However the manager got a big bonus in his pay and that was a ext. $200.00 on top of his reg. pay. i may not be that smart but it seems to me that the high up people get the good pays,even the asst.managers only got that $0.10 rise.
  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   11 years 4 weeks ago

    Boy you hit on the nose about government interference. It always comes down to the almighty dollar.

  • Reply to: Wisconsin Prepares to Hand Half-Million in Taxpayer Funds to Koch-Tied GOP Lobby Shop   11 years 1 month ago
    Don't insult liberal welfare mothers. They are actual workers that are paid poverty wages so that the wealthy elite like the Koch Bros. and the Walmart heirs, the Waldons, can have even more unearned money.
