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  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 3 weeks ago
    u need to get over what ever it is that lead you down this path of hate need not worry about feeding the poor cus your government will take care of that.. are food supply is filled with posion...thank you Monsanto.and air is laiden down with fall out from Chemtrails...and all you cant say is deny a hungry person the freedom to eat the food they want Damn....SEEK HELP>>>
  • Reply to: ALECexposed: George Zimmerman's Criminal History Includes Alleged Violence and Temper (Audio and New Documents)   11 years 3 weeks ago
    "Zimmerman was clearly responding to the police dispatcher's directions ("which way is he running?"), as the dispatcher, Sean Noffke, testified in court.) That's the longest stretch I've seen in ages. "Which way is he running?" is not a direction to do something, it's a question about a direction someone is running in. "Okay, we don't need you to do that" is a direction <i>not</i> to do something -- a direction Zimmerman didn't comply with. Here's more about marijuana as it relates (or doesn't, actually) to this case:
  • Reply to: ALECexposed: George Zimmerman's Criminal History Includes Alleged Violence and Temper (Audio and New Documents)   11 years 3 weeks ago
    You'd say "miniscule" if your child were killed that way? If you were the one who'd left his gun lying around, I'm betting you'd probably would. "Miniscule" harm, no foul.
  • Reply to: How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf   11 years 3 weeks ago

    ...and American exceptionalism. You STILL believe that the US went to war to "free" people? Look up the Downing Street Memo which plainly talks about manufacturing the intel to fit their goals. Let us know how "freeing" the US did with the US-imposed UN sanctions against Iraq which murdered 3000 CHILDREN under the age of 5 a month for 10 years. That's a 9/11 a month of just children (only counting aged 5 and under). Maybe you mean freeing up the planet of their innocent souls, maybe?

    And disliked by the world? Yes, have you heard of foreigners use the term "Yankee imperialism"??? You need to get out of boofoo and visit the real world. How about you at use that thing-a-ma-jig called the internet. Google: Time Europe poll Which country really poses the greatest danger to world peace in 2003

    Look what I just found using that internet!!! Here's one from BBC too!!!

    "Europeans consistently regard the US as the biggest threat to world stability, a new poll reveals on Monday."

    EUROPEANS! Your greatest "allies"!!! They hate your ignorance and arrogance (a deadly combo for the world). After 9/11, over 90% of Greeks said America deserved it. Could the freedom lovin' overthrow of their gov't to install a reign of preferred US terror be the case? Say it ain't so!!!

    How about US interventionism since WW II? To overthrow democratically elected govt's the world over since they do not favor US corporate interests over THEIR OWN PEOPLE! Iran '53, Chile 9/11/73, and list goes on and on... 50+ interventions documented in this book:
    Another good one:

    Did you even see the recent documents on the ILLEGAL US corporate overthrow of Iran? Or how about the US support of Saddam Hussein as he freedom-lovingly gassed the Kurds? All in the past month. How could you miss this? Do you watch Faux News???

    "The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them." - George Orwell

  • Reply to: ALECexposed: George Zimmerman's Criminal History Includes Alleged Violence and Temper (Audio and New Documents)   11 years 3 weeks ago
    You have sifted facts to emphasize those that support your claims and ignored those that undermine them. I have set forth the sworn statements filed in court about past violence, including Zimmerman's. You have credited his claims that were never given under penalty of perjury or subject to cross-examination by the prosecutor. For example, you ignore that the officer you cite wrote as part of his investigation that Zimmerman should have been charged with second degree murder, based on his examination of the evidence and that Zimmerman's pursuit of Martin was the proximate cause of the fatal fight that ensued. You also ignore that the jury was specifically given the stand your ground instructions and that at least one juror specifically cited that instruction that was imposed by the NRA's changes to the law as central to the deliberations. You ignore the fact that prior law would have required that the jury be told that Zimmerman had a duty to retreat not a right to stand his ground.
