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  • Reply to: From Junk Bonds to Junk Schools: Cyber Schools Fleece Taxpayers for Phantom Students and Failing Grades   11 years 4 days ago
    Our kids use the k12 curriculum as part of the Hawaii Technology Academy, a state charter school. We have been quite pleased with it. The schoolwork is challenging and engaging, our kids are learning to take responsibility for their own education, and, as parents, we have a much more detailed understanding of what they are learning. Although online learning is far from perfect, it can be a fantastic opportunity for many students. Brick and Mortar schools are probably better for more children, but they also have a lot of work to do to better prepare them for their future.
  • Reply to: From Junk Bonds to Junk Schools: Cyber Schools Fleece Taxpayers for Phantom Students and Failing Grades   11 years 5 days ago
    Surprising? NO. How could anyone think that any for-profit corporation could possibly be interested in anything other than MAKING PROFITS? People who think these cyber schools and charter schools are a great idea worry me. I know the public school system is in the toilet, and the federal gov't. is incompetent and cumbersome, but if you think a for-profit corp. has your child's best interest and education at heart more than the gov't., your delusional.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Democrats Say “Moderate Republicans” Particularly Susceptible to Recalls   11 years 6 days ago
    He also said the DPW desires to pore over the results from districts' recall efforts as they roll in: "We don't want people to let up the effort. These are grassroots efforts, so we don't get the numbers exactly when we hear from them."
  • Reply to: Outsourcing America: Sodexo Food Service Contractor Siphons Cash from Kids and Soldiers while Dishing Up Subprime Food   11 years 1 week ago
    I'm so happy that people like Vincent come out to protect innocent multi-billion dollar corporations! Wow, I'm sure they're are glad to have you in their court. Remember when ordinary people would defend the less powerful and not the more powerful. Sad.
  • Reply to: Consumers Allege Perdue's "Humane" Poultry Labels Are "False and Deceptive"   11 years 1 week ago
    I have to go through hoops and spend more money and time then I like to find Kosher Chicken. A congregation member of my Orthodox Synagogue, told me that chickens don't have to be raised any special way, treated any special way, as long as the slaughtering is done by Kosher law which is supposed to be quick and humane. This involves Kosher , and Rabbinic supervision, before any meat product is considered Kosher and OK for a religious Jew to consume. PETA, burned me up by attacking Beef,Lamb,or other read meat sources deemed fit to be Kosher. The methods include a quick slaughter and the meat is processed afterward to remove excess blood. Since Kosher meat is expensive and not provided in nearby markets, I don't buy large quantities. I often opt for chicken instead of Red Meat. I also am more of a vegetarian most of the week, but not a vegan. I have had a recent health problem that caused a serious enough depletion of Iron, and an off blood count reading, that I was advised to see a hematologist. Iron supplements can make my stomach rebel. I do like and prepare beets, dark greens and other vegetable forms that can help. I do probably need to add at least liver to my diet occasionally and may be other Red Meat. I don't think it's healthy to eat meat all the time, but I seem to need at least a certain amount of it.
