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  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    The programs are not sustainable.
  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    You're just allowing someone else's malicious interpretation of 'entitlements' to cloud your judgment here. They are what they are and we are entitled to them because we PAID for them. See?
  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    The Prez falling into a trap? Really. He proposed this crap. Firstly by appointing Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles (Wall Street Dem) to his pet commission. They're both big fans of Pete Peterson. Obama is quoted as far back as 2004 in being amenable to changes that hurt recipients. Chew on this from 2006: Then google his quotes on SSI beginning in early 2009......... You done been snookered.
  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    The single thing holding back agreement on the deficit is the unwillingness of the left wing to balance the budget! If an agreement can made on decreasing the entitilments, which have increased three fold under Obama and Reid the deal will be made. Don't fall for the line of bull that Obama care is holding this agreement up. It is and well should be the problem of every American whether on food stamps, disability, welfare or any other entitlement ! It is completely untrue that SS is an entitlement ! We paid into the fund and are now reaping the rewards of years of investment of our hard earned money. A veteran of Vietnam
  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    ...for the exact reason you say. People are entitled to them for having paid into the accounts. The problem is that people are receiving far more than they ever paid into these accounts. It is not just retirees. The Atlantic ran a piece about disability benefits and how people are milking Social Security dry. The problem is that with dwindling birth rates and increasing retirement rates, the balance has shifted and there is not going to be enough money in these accounts. Period. That's agreed upon fact by all parties. So ask yourself if you're willing to take money from your grandchildren's future to ensure that you can get paid in retirement.
