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  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    The difference being several things. The money stolen (and unaccounted for) by Congress w/the acquiescence of too many Presidents. That does not change a damned thing. A rip-off is a rip-off. I demand my money as should everybody. The $105,000 limit made almost sense back when $105,000 was $105,000 and still made some kind of intuitive sense. It does not buy what it used to. Raise that limit to where those who took so much should contribute further to maintain the society and civilization which allowed their rise via EVERYONE'S tax $$. Bottom line is, we are being expected to bear the brunt in an ongoing class war being waged and foisted on us. The Aristocracy is pressing for their perceived 'entitlements' which have nothing but the force of conceit and the power we allow them to prosecute and persecute us ever further. They will grind us down until we are gone. I will not bend nor buckle anymore out of some divorced-from reality sense they are our betters and we should concede our dignity and offer any fealty further.
  • Reply to: WANTED: 250,000 Americans to Fight Fake News & Government Propaganda   10 years 12 months ago
    This site is controlled opposition. Do not believe these liars. There is no organized group to de-mask the actor ploiticians. It is being done quietly my brothers.
  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    Dear Human: Thank you for contacting me regarding potential reforms to Social Security and Medicare benefits. I appreciate hearing your concerns on this important issue. Social Security and Medicare are two important programs for our Nation’s seniors. Beneficiaries rely on earned benefits, as well as the long term sustainability of these programs. According to all measures, these entitlement programs represent an enormous and growing share of our Federal budget. As you know, the Federal budget has been running deficits at or over one trillion dollars annually, and our national debt now exceeds $15 trillion. Responsible governing requires that all aspects of our Federal budget be examined for reforms and reviewed to ensure sustainability. Currently, significant reforms have been proposed by both members of Congress and the President, and include: measures to ensure inflation adjustments are accurate, benefit adjustments, means testing, etc. I am aware that many Americans have concerns about the ramifications of possible reforms to our entitlement programs. I will keep your views in mind as we work on bipartisan solutions to address challenges facing our budget and entitlement programs. Again, thank you for contacting me regarding this issue. Please do not hesitate to do so in the future regarding this or any other matter of concern. Sincerely, John McCain United States Senator Bernie Sanders needs to explain the Social Security system to McCain!
  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    The statistics you may be reading have probably been distributed by the Peterson Institute. I heard a representative speak and I found many flaws and downright misleading statistics, graphs, etc. that were obviously done in a way to support an opinion. For example, this person presented a graph combining social security and Medicare into one bar when comparing to other factors, and he presented erroneous population statistics, again, both designed to mislead. In reality, there was a population boom in the 1980s and those people are paying into social security, so the scare tactic that the baby boomers will "make us go broke" is false. Also, one cannot legitimately link Social Security and Medicare because Social Security is, by law, the way in which Social Security is financed, it cannot contribute to the deficit. Look at the vast majority of workers. They work 30-45 years, contribute to Social Security, and on average, collect for 15 years.
  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    Mary bottari's finest article yet!
