Recent comments

  • Reply to: Center for Media and Democracy and Common Cause File Open Records Lawsuit Against ALEC Members in Wisconsin   10 years 12 months ago
    great ideas with a great concept and with such a great writer. A written perfectly and <a href="">fall and summer</a> was very much easy to understand.
  • Reply to: Officials in Arizona and Kansas Rig Ballots to Implement ALEC Voter Suppression Scheme   10 years 12 months ago
    Time for people to start using their Buycott app.
  • Reply to: Profiting from the Poor: Outsourcing Social Services Puts Most Vulnerable at Risk   10 years 12 months ago
    As a long time activist for low income people, for years I have been trying to point out the Big Biz connections to poverty. I am also concerned about mega-non-profits and foundations who use similar models for their infrastructure and where "donations" are really just a Cayman Islands for the rich, $millions in government contracts are awarded, but little trickles down to the "services" they are supposed to provide. A couple years ago we exposed Chase Bank, a contractor for EBT card in our state (WA) because, besides the $12 Million they received for those cards, they were secretly extracting an $.80 cent "charge" from every transaction as well. This added another $10 Million to their pockets, taken directly from the most vulnerable and the poorest in our state. Our local station, KING TV did a report about this. It embarrassed the state into stopping those fees, but the very thought these well-compensated CEOs felt entitled to those fees is beyond disgusting ... I am sending this around to those other activists I know and thank-you again for this in-depth report! Sincerely Cat Sullivan Board member of POWER
  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    BTW, the wealth of the very few has exploded exponentially over the past 30 years and has skyrocketed since the 2008 engineered by the rich economic fiasco. The same ones who lobby for their own laws which exclude us from sharing in prosperity as our infrastructure falls apart and much of the US slips into 3rd world conditions. Then they send ignorant meatballs to Congress with their funding and proclaim the rest of us lazy. Sadly, many feel guilty and/or turn their frustration on their fellow strugglers. What a scam. They have people convinced we should cut rather than prop up SSI and Medicare after giving us a Heritage Foundation Romney-implemented thing called Obamacare. Does it matter that Michelle Obama was cranking in $350,000 per annum while working in the heart of the Medical Insurance Complex in Chicago before taking a Washington, D.C. pay cut? You tell me.
  • Reply to: Dear WWII Vets, Forget About the Monument, They Are Gunning for Your Social Security   10 years 12 months ago
    Just look up the word for what it means and redefine it as just what it is: Something earned, paid for and which you are ENTITLED to. Period. It's a good thing we are entitled to that money. It's ours!
