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  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   10 years 11 months ago
    Like your response.Couldnt have said it better myself.
  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   10 years 11 months ago
    you are full of it.Most patients do not take advantage of a doctor but the other way around.The md tricked her by asking a question which should have been part of this routine visit. If i go in for a check up and i just want a refill on my rx that takes one minute to write i should not be billed an extra $100 bucks for it just so you can drive a mercedes and live in a 4 bathroom house and send your kids to private school and belong to a country club You dont deserve to be a doctor because you have no compassion for anyone.Go crawl under the rock you came from,doc. By the way i am not a car i am a person. If you want to charge like a machanic why dont you be one?
  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   10 years 11 months ago
    If I went into a doctor's office and asked for an extra hour's worth of medical advice for free, then I'd understand the hesitation. But on the other hand: My employer asks this of me all the time. Not just my employer. Ask anyone in the military. Ask any scientist. Ask any engineer. Ask any software developer. These people are simply expected to put in more than the 40 hours a week they are paid for. Meeting all your goals? Have some more goals to meet! If you want to keep your job, you'll put in the extra time. But that aside, the thing that really irks me is the "Price" assigned to the extra medical advice. Maybe some people ask doctors for an extra hour worth of advice, but two out of the last three times I went to a doctor's office, I spoke to the doctor and physician's assistant COMBINED for less than 5 minutes. The third time, I spoke to the doctor for 30 minutes. The bill for each of the three visits? $300. Now for 30 minutes of doctoring, that works out to a modest $600 per hour. Even if the facility charges 200% overhead (which is outrageously high) that's enough for the doc to be earning a cool million per year. But for 5 minutes? Well, that works out to a solid $3600/hour. And I guarantee that doctor isn't pulling in seven figures - so where is that money going? Now I know that other things go on; there's facilities maintenance, billing specialists, receptionists, and so on. But these don't add up. Other organizations manage the same amount of administrative overhead tasks on much smaller margins. No one's saying that doctors shouldn't bill for their time. What we're saying is that they aren't billing for their time. The billing is capricious and amoral, and is done in a way to maximize profit within the bounds of an increasingly complicated landscape of healthcare regulation. People shouldn't become doctors for the money (and most I know haven't), just like people don't become scientists for the money, or join the military for the money. But it seems that some people in the healthcare industry can't see that if they aren't being paid enough to own a yacht and a private marina lease, that their services aren't being valued. And at least my mechanic calls me with a quote for the proposed services first.
  • Reply to: "Golden Throne" Award Presented to Scott Talbott of the Financial Services Roundtable   10 years 11 months ago
    What about discharging the loan in bankruptcy when Chase doubles my interest rate, does some shifty swap that tacks on $17k, tells me to pay $1k a month, refuses to explain why my $50k in student loans became $90k, then $100k, throws me into default and files a lawsuit for $170k. Is this why Congress blocked the bill that would have given me bankruptcy protection back? Am I food for massive banks? THIS IS WHY I HAVE A BS IN ENGINEERING AND AM HOMELESS!? They bailed these banks out and ultimately, it will be my generation paying the $15 trillion dollar bill, along with their war spending, while I can't discharge my private student loan that the bank illegally destroyed everything with. How much were those Senators paid off to look away? They should have just shot me. How do I explain this mess to Australia and Canada while I beg them to let me immigrate? Was this congress before Elizabeth Warren?!
  • Reply to: Don't Be Duped by the Sewage Sludge Industry's "Compost"   10 years 11 months ago
    I also work at a treatment facility as well and have for over a decade. What this article isn't telling everyone is that there are federal guidelines, and in many cases state guidelines as well which are even MORE stringent, that regulate heavy metal content of sewage sludge by having ceiling limits on the concentration allowable in the sludge before it can be used as a "fertilizer." Any facility which MIGHT have put out a product containing levels of heavy metals over this limit have bigger issues facing them, such as federal prosecution. This is NOT the norm for 99% of treatment plants. Guess what??? The operators who run these facilities also live in the same communities as YOU do. We have a vested interest in keeping our environment clean just as you. My kids play in the lake we discharge to...I don't want them swimming in unsafe waters anymore than you want your kids swimming in unsafe waters. Treatment plants are just a convenient target for the fear mongers peddling THEIR crap.
