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  • Reply to: From Junk Bonds to Junk Schools: Cyber Schools Fleece Taxpayers for Phantom Students and Failing Grades   10 years 11 months ago
    I'd encourage serious commenters on this (or any) subject to use a name other than 'Anonymous' to tag their remarks. Anonymous commenters in online forums are all too easy to dismiss, as hiding behind their anonymity, so they can say any foolish thing without a tag for 'taking to task' or serious discussion. If you've got something to say in all seriousness, put a name on it! *Please!* Whether the rest of us agree or disagree, we can make the beginning of a conversation. That said, I've found that online courses I've attempted (long past secondary level) have been problematic for me. Perhaps it's time pressures, or family demands (two of three daughters, adults, still at home, plus wife) but it can be quite difficult to complete a segment in reasonable time. Government is not the problem; honesty and real education is the problem, and government CAN be part of the solution. Many things have been tried in classrooms (and out) over many years; somewhere, there must be results-oriented data on this, without the hype and salesmanship these flacks bring to the table. If your schools didn't educate you, AND you didn't learn on your own, you will be MUCH easier to sell these snake-oil 'solutions'.
  • Reply to: Buzz off, Monsanto   10 years 11 months ago
    Moths pollinate more plant than bees? Really? And where did your understanding of this come from? If moths do more pollinating, then business people would be raising moths and not bees.
  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   10 years 11 months ago
    Nationally recognized standard? Yes ,made up by of DOCTORS of course,not the government.The government only gets involved with charges when it is medicare or medicaid. and insurance companies negotiate prices. They do not tell you how many office visits to charge for.All you cronies get together and decide to screw patients by charging them two copays for two visits. So do not shift the blame on someone else.You can blame the CEO s and yes I do believe that was the start of medical care rising but since so many of you are validating billing for two visits your as guilty and crooked as they are. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are suppose to heal not hurt people by padding your bills.People are sick when they come to you and when they get your dramatically inflated bills they sure dont feel any better. You give me pills for high blood pressure and then you make it go higher with your bill.When I am in your office I would like to be able to trust you not have to concern myself with being billed ala cart. What ever happened to do no harm? Shame on you all.
  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   10 years 11 months ago
    stop blaming the government.
  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   10 years 11 months ago
    Require a law to justify their billing? Your kidding,right? The rich make laws for the rich not people like us.Wealthy congressmen wealthy doctors. Need i say more?
