Recent comments

  • Reply to: Outsourced Cities, Brought to You by CH2M Hill   10 years 11 months ago
    This company is as corrupt as hell. What they are especially good at is putting the spin on their unethical/illegal conduct.
  • Reply to: Frontline Gets Its Man: Lanny Breuer Leaves DOJ After Exposé   10 years 11 months ago
    I suspect the culprit is Tim Geithner who stood in the way of reform and prosecution in favor of "confidence" in the markets. It's why banks did not take the "haircuts" they, at minimum, should have. It is shameful.
  • Reply to: From Junk Bonds to Junk Schools: Cyber Schools Fleece Taxpayers for Phantom Students and Failing Grades   10 years 11 months ago
    <p>The problem isn't that it's a for-profit corporation, the problem is that the government was giving away money without making the slightest effort to find out what was delivered for that money. &nbsp;If the government paid for good results you can bet that a corporation would have your child's best interest and education at heart. &nbsp;</p> <p>You're not surprised when a for-profit&nbsp;restuarant provides you with a good meal, why would you be surprised that a for-profit school would provide a good education? &nbsp;Well if they're not being paid by the people getting the education you would and should be surprised. &nbsp;I suspect that's why the government didn't make the schools accountable, so that the rational choice would be to give bad service. &nbsp;So when the schools fail they can say "See we need government in charge.".&nbsp;</p>
  • Reply to: Outsourced Cities, Brought to You by CH2M Hill   10 years 11 months ago
    <p>It is not bad, if work is outsourced until unless the work is being properly done and the need is being fulfilled completely.</p> <p>Government should look for the benefit of the people, it is good to support all these methods to build the strong eco-system.</p>
  • Reply to: Officials in Arizona and Kansas Rig Ballots to Implement ALEC Voter Suppression Scheme   10 years 11 months ago
    VOTERS SUPRESSION: I cannot believe these folks are citizens of the USA. What is the supreme court doing about this disgraceful situation? Where is the outrage of what is against our rights. Everything is wrong with this picture. McDowell or what whatever, is about to run for governor and also governs the process to actually suppress the vote. This man will make himself governor also and no one does anything about it. What a travesty of power. IS ANYONE WITH SENSE PAYING ATTENTION. PEOPLE LIKE THESE WHO ARE PART OF TRYING TO BRING OUR NATION TO ITS KNESS MUST BE KICKED OUT OF OFFICE EXPEDITIOUSLY. Totally Disgraceful!!!!
