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  • Reply to: Nightmare on Main Street: ALEC Policies Harm Working Americans   10 years 11 months ago
    Interesting to see this article about greed and avarice. That is corporate and legislative greed and avarice. What has this nation come to? I think it almost qualifies as an oligarchy, not a republic, not a democracy. To think that members of state houses around the country would sell out the people they represent is awful, traitorous, un-American. ALEC exists only for the corporate interests of the USA and beyond. They are not elected officials, yet they continue to write legislation. Isn't that what the state representatives are supposed to do? Of course! I think ALEC is a corporate cancer on the face of the United States' legislative process and should be excised by the state voters around the country. Of course, print, social, television, and radio news media should expose ALEC's secret plan to take over the AMERICA we all say we love and want to protect. That's hard to accomplish since the media seem not to care. And those who claim their born-again Christian beliefs are a part of this. Now is that what Jesus would do. I think not.
  • Reply to: CMD Submits Testimony to U.S. Senate on ALEC and “Stand Your Ground”   10 years 11 months ago
    Thank you, Mr. Carey! I really appreciate your taking the time to read my testimony and for taking the time to write in. We really appreciate that there are a growing number of concerned citizens like you, also!! Lisa
  • Reply to: CMD Submits Testimony to U.S. Senate on ALEC and “Stand Your Ground”   10 years 11 months ago
    Bravo Lisa! The country needs more citizens like you.
  • Reply to: Astroturf Tramples Grassroots in Washington State GMO Labeling Battle   10 years 11 months ago
    They're not going to win our votes by confusing us this time. The entire community is engaged, thousands are standing up for GMO labeling. Join the call and make this election the beginning of the end for Monsanto!
  • Reply to: "True the Vote," the Victim? Voter Vigilante Group Says IRS Targeted Its "Verify the Recall" Effort in Wisconsin   10 years 11 months ago
    After most of True the Vote’s plans last year were ruined by exposure by the press, some may have thought they might crawl away into a corner and rethink this whole voter harassment and suppression thing. Nope. True the Vote is back in 2013 reloaded with new offshoots and new plans — even as the old plans continue proving to be misfires. Last year, they launched “Voto Honesto,” their “Hispanic initiative” on electoral reform, pushing for voter ID and proof of citizenship laws to vote and register. This year they’ve jumped off with two new groups: 1. True the Vote NOW 2. Citizen Patriot Response Finally, the many claims of voter fraud by True the Vote have been proven false calls all too frequently. Their poor record on that continues. Yesterday, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement closed out several investigations into voter fraud in the state finding no evidence of it occurring. One of those cases came from True the Vote who alleged last year that several dozen people had been voting in both Florida and Rhode Island. The Florida law department found that to be untrue. As reported in Florida’s News Herald yesterday: Another recent case that has been closed involved whether one voter had cast ballots in both Florida and Rhode Island. The case was initiated by the group called True the Vote, which initially said 36 people had voted in Florida and other states. FDLE closed the case after state election officials were told by Rhode Island authorities that the name of the voter there was probably wrong and was listed incorrectly because of a poll worker’s error.
