Recent comments

  • Reply to: Lincoln Group Bombards Iraq with Fake News   10 years 10 months ago

    The Lincoln Group is due for a closer look now that Lara Logan's husband is peripherally in the news thanks to her put up job on Behghazi. He was variously self and independently described as a covert agent for them, as well as just being an "errand boy."

  • Reply to: Meet George Zoley, America’s Highest Paid “Corrections Officer”   10 years 10 months ago
    Looking forward to future profiles
  • Reply to: WI Club for Growth, Target of Walker Recall Probe, at Center of Dark Money Web   10 years 10 months ago
    Who does George Soros fund? Should I care? Is he a US citizen? You soft-core fascists are a hoot. You lost, Walker won, twice. There's nothing illegal about spending money to further interests, liberal or conservative. Interests are interests. Is hobbling political opponents via the IRS legal? Ask Lois Lerner, oh, wait, she clammed up. You pocket-tyrants are itching for an uncivil war. Be careful what you wish for. Remember, the whipping posts you use to abuse your foes today will be there to use on you tomorrow.
  • Reply to: CMD Exposes America’s “Highest Paid Government Workers”   10 years 10 months ago
    is hard to believethat we are beingcontrolled bybig businessand workersless and less=/
  • Reply to: CMD Exposes America’s “Highest Paid Government Workers”   10 years 10 months ago
    Last summer I spoke with a young science education teacher recently graduated from Temple Univ. (Philly) who was just hired to teach 9th grade physical science. Her cyber charter school had 209 students assigned to her, and they get the state allotment/student as their compensation (at least $8200/year). Typically, a HS teacher would teach 5 classes/day and see about 130 students or so (many fewer in the suburbs) so they're getting an extra $650,000 over what they really deserve because they're loading her roster with about 80 extra students. Nice money for the charter if you can scam it.
