Recent comments

  • Reply to: ALEC’s Extreme Legislative Agenda for 2014   10 years 10 months ago
    These agenda items all seem fairly mainstream to me. My brother recently faced a huge delay putting in a home foundation because he had to wait for an environmental inspection of a dirt pile to see how removing dirt from it would affect the environment. Why don't Big Business and their lackeys the democrats just decide to outlaw Small Business altogether?
  • Reply to: New Guardian Docs Show ALEC Misled Press, Public   10 years 10 months ago
    Oh that is their strategy. The best thing we can do is just what you are doing.
  • Reply to: The Googlization of the Far Right: Why is Google Funding Grover Norquist, Heritage Action and ALEC?   10 years 10 months ago
    The Google that was a prime-mover, helping to create the incredible Internet that we learned to love; the insightful innovators that turned loose unlimited creativity -- like most of the Internet we've learned to live in -- is no more. The Venture Capitalists who invested billions (rather than hackers investing midnight-hours for love and ego); the financial investors that value the Google cyber-space resources in $-billions, now want payback. The Internet is now a parallel cyber-space, to be colonized and exploited like colonies on Earth always were. It's time to cash in the investments that were there all along. We users paid nothing for development, we got it all for free -- other than a few license agreements for Office and our own hardware Systems. The payback bucks now come from Advertisers -- the same old "Magazine Paradigm." Content (all but free), just exists to put mega-buck corporate advertising before Consumer's eyes. Only in this new dynamic non-physical media, they can -- from their vast tracking user-databases -- they can place user-preference "targeted-advertising. The Internet is now owned by huge corporate investing houses, just another Colony of Consumers for exploitation. Google is dead; long live the Google Corporate Empire.
  • Reply to: ALEC Is Not Where Visa Wants to Be   10 years 10 months ago
    WAKE UP AMERICA! No Right Minded American but the millionaires and billionaires "Loyalty Oath Signing Legislators" want this ! A bunch of these ALEC “Loyalty Oath Legislators” folks are meeting on December 7th at Mt. Vernon to begin to rip apart the U.S. Constitution (yes even further than they have) ! See Brian Howey's Column on this issue at:
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Attorney General Seeks to Vitiate Open Records Law to Protect ALEC’s National Treasurer   10 years 10 months ago
    WAKE UP AMERICA! No Right Minded American but the millionaires and billionaires "Loyalty Oath Signing Legislators" want this ! A bunch of these ALEC “Loyalty Oath Legislators” folks are meeting on December 7th at Mt. Vernon to begin to rip apart the U.S. Constitution (yes even further than they have) ! See Brian Howey's Column on this issue at:
