Recent comments

  • Reply to: Reports Expose Extreme Pressure Groups Masquerading as Think Tanks   10 years 9 months ago
    When will we see the report on Left Wing stink tanks?
  • Reply to: FedEx Campaign Delivers Controversy   10 years 9 months ago

    It proven that being a unionised employee is far superior to not being one. There is no debate. It was said that unions are an obsolete idea. At the rate business is screwing over American employees, visa vi making them part-time, low wages and outsourcing...the idea of unions are very much in vogue. I'm not a union employee or even a lobbyist. Just someone who understands history and the mentality of big business real well. Power and profits are the name of the game. They have their organisers/lobbyists. What do they have against the workers having theirs? Oh...that's right! They might have a half-way effective way to fight back. Damn!!

  • Reply to: Meet Richard Montoni, America's Highest Paid "Caseworker"   10 years 9 months ago
    <p>Thank you for your comment. Reporting someone's outsized salary made primarily off of&nbsp;taxpayers is not "throwing insults," but reporting facts. As is reporting on a $30 million dollar fine for falsified Medicaid claims.&nbsp;The dangers of hiring for-profit firms to provide social services to vulnerable populations was recently illustrated by this recent, shocking LA Times article "Private Foster Care System Created to Protect Children Endangers Some."&nbsp;<a href=",0,5583241.htmlstory#axzz2pHWrwq8v">,0,5583241.htmlstory#axzz2pHWrwq8v</a></p>
  • Reply to: Mad Cow USA   10 years 9 months ago

    I first heard about Mad Cow disease in the late 1980s. By then we had known that the disease had jumped species and had a long incubation period. Maybe you can explain to everyone here why this disease could not jump from cattle to human?

  • Reply to: Heart of Darkness: Criminal Investigation of WI Recall $   10 years 9 months ago
    75% of your funding in the Walker recall effort came from just a few donors while you attack the Walker campaign for big donors…..proof you’re all just a bunch of party pawns. Please stay busy with the infighting while all of us are being sold down the river by both parties.
