Recent comments

  • Reply to: Milloy Blames Environmentalists First   19 years 7 months ago
    In addition to Milloy, several other authors misrepresent the article in The Independent to wrongfully bash environmentalists. These include the Wall Street Journal and a press release by global-change skeptic Pat Michaels. Links to these are on my blog and blog comments below. Stephen C. Nodvin, Ph.D.
  • Reply to: Norquist Dreams of Twelve More Years   19 years 7 months ago
    If this spawn of satan had his way there would be no middle class in America. I don't know how anyone could possibly vote for these proposals when the net effect is to ship your job and to China. As a union member I am absolutely appalled by the efforts of the right wing to muzzle workers.
  • Reply to: Thanks for the (False) Memories: the 2004 Falsies Awards   19 years 7 months ago
    Fantastic idea, Laura. It's quite amazing to see it all pulled together in one list.
  • Reply to: Thanks for the (False) Memories: the 2004 Falsies Awards   19 years 7 months ago
    Sven, you are so right. I plan on drawing more attention to the "New New Journalism" in the months to come.
  • Reply to: Norquist Dreams of Twelve More Years   19 years 7 months ago
    I do not consider legislators between my legs, no recognition of a fundamental right to privacy, denial of equal protection under the law to homosexuals, and expanded on the job drug testing to be less intrusive in any way, shape, or form. The only way the Neocons will get another 8 years after Bush is by the same way we got Bush in the first place, electoral fraud and paperless, non-accountable electronic voting, something else Democrats, or more correctly, Republicrats, by and large don't seemed overly concerned about.
