Recent comments

  • Reply to: U.S. State Dept To Splurge on Persian Media   18 years 7 months ago

    The [ BBC News reports] that Syrian groups will get $5 million as well:

    The US has announced it is to give $5m (£2.87m) in grants to pro-democracy groups in Syria. The funds are aimed at "accelerating the work of reformers", a State Department statement said. ... The move is part of the Middle East Partnership Initiative (Mepi) launched by the US in 2002 to promote reform in the Middle East.

  • Reply to: Rumsfeld: Gee, Propaganda Is Wrong   18 years 7 months ago

    In a [ follow-up to the above story], Rumsfeld says he misspoke when he said the [[Lincoln Group]] propaganda program in Iraq had been stopped:

    "I don't have knowledge as to whether it's been stopped. I do have knowledge it was put under review. I was correctly informed. And I just misstated the facts," Rumsfeld said at a Pentagon news briefing. ... He said that Gen. George Casey, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, was reviewing the practice. Previously, Casey has said he saw no reason to stop it.

  • Reply to: The Cows Have Come Home   18 years 7 months ago
    All in a life can be simplified and here as I understand the following situation: the country received the certain income from export (which probably has already been allocated for some nearest years) but then there was a unforeseen situation(illness). Further many organizations tried to solve a problem in the image, but result is one - infection was not supervised, and the budget has lost a plenty of money. For such situation all is standard, but also to make anything it was impossible - to reduce charges only. With best wishes, "Russian Post" We are always .online for help [ Xnet RusPost]
  • Reply to: Never Whoosh A Spook!   18 years 7 months ago
    The government again starts to create intrigues. The new program of anti-terror? Huh. Government's last actions has simply nothing to cover the dark affairs, they and have created this stupid "antiterrorist" program. If to think it is very convenient - if you need to remove any person not necessarily him to arrest and then to prove to press that this person it is dangerous not personally to you and represents the international threat. And now all is easier - we specify a finger the person and speak - "He's represent threat of national safety". All are pleased and happy. The world is rescued from terror. With best wishes, "Russian Post" We are always .online for help [ Xnet RusPost]
  • Reply to: Jim Crow Propaganda   18 years 7 months ago
    This is a bullshit! How it's possible to make such things? Most of all I am interested by how it is possible to reduce racist relation of people distributing or even encouraging such creation of things? And one business if I shall buy such thing on EBay for a collecting but absolutely other - to see every day such on a liquid for washing utensils or on a box with milk. It seems to me that not art and really pure racism. Probably it is infinite, as well as is silly. Unfortunately: ( With best wishes, "Russian Post" We are always .online for help [ Xnet RusPost]
