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  • Reply to: Chertoff Proposes Disaster Embedding   18 years 5 months ago

    An old trick, now. Homeland Security has apparently been in touch with Torie Clark, the former DoD spokeslady. I think we were better off -- during Gulf War I -- with media outlets acting independently of the military. Sure there was censorship by military "authorities," but at least the reporting teams weren't just tagging along and getting uncomfortably close to the soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines they were assigned to cover/accompany.

  • Reply to: Lincoln Group Work In Iraq "Completely Inept"   18 years 5 months ago

    O'Dwyer's has run [ a clarification] of its earlier Lincoln Group article:

    [Lincoln Group co-founder Paige] Craig said the LG staffer who told O'Dwyer's that Bill Dixon has left his media relations post was wrong. "He is still with the company," said Craig.

    Laurie Adler, whom Craig said handled internal marketing communications duties, has departed the firm.

    The main subject of the follow-up article, though, is a Cinco de Mayo party being held by Paige Craig: "The invitation recalls how a French army invaded Mexico in 1862 to collect debt and contribute to the Confederate cause. ... LG's party is to celebrate freedom, liberty and the beginning of France's decline as a world power."

    The article goes on to state:

    Craig said LG has "changed its attitude," and is now more open with the press. Part of that reasoning is due to the confusion about what LG does. Craig described the firm as "client-driven," and the new transparency is what LG's clients want.

  • Reply to: PR Exec: Fake TV News is Good for You!   18 years 5 months ago

    Kevin Foley

    I assume you collect a pay check from CMD, and so I also assume, the more books you and Sheldon sell, the bigger the paycheck, since you and Sheldon run the CMD.

    It would seem, then, that CMD is engaged in a commercial enterprise, much like those clients I work for. Not making a judgement, mind. In fact, we agree that the use of publicity tactics that include things like slick press kits with suggested questions for journalists and VNRs can really help push sales of products like books by creating public awareness of and demand for them.

    No doubt Penguin Group USA is grateful to you and Sheldon for your help in pushing up their earnings, too.

  • Reply to: PR Exec: Fake TV News is Good for You!   18 years 5 months ago

    Our books our currently published by Penguin, and indeed they use marketing techniques to advertise and publicize the books. All profits and proceeds from the sale of our books go to the non-profit Center for Media and Democracy where Sheldon Rampton and I work.

  • Reply to: PR Exec: Fake TV News is Good for You!   18 years 5 months ago

    Kevin Foley

    Still waiting for John to confirm/deny activistcash post about using the very same PR tactics he condemns others for using to promote and sell his book.

    FYI- KGO frequently runs VNR content.
