Recent comments

  • Reply to: Republican Criticizes Bush Over Secret WMD Propaganda   18 years 2 months ago

  • Reply to: Viral Video Questioning Global Warming Linked to DCI   18 years 2 months ago

    It's a parody.

    There is no issue of copyright infringement.

  • Reply to: Viral Video Questioning Global Warming Linked to DCI   18 years 2 months ago

    Other criticisms aside, this video’s (mis)use of the Linux “Tux the Penguin” mascot falls somewhere between rudeness and open copyright infringement.

    I even made a video (without corporate support) saying so: “Al Gore’s Penguin Army” Video Misuses Linux Mascot.

  • Reply to: Hadji Girl   18 years 2 months ago
    All you bleeding heart liberals need to take a damn tour along with our Armed Forces brothers and sisters out there in the Middle East. Personally, I'm sick of all the liberal views. CAIR can just as well kiss my you-know-what. These young men and women risk and sacrifice their lives to keep us here at home as safe as possible. Perhaps a little too safe, if you ask me. The war dogs are becoming extinct...and are being fast replaced by flower-picking, everyone-can-get-along-if-we-respect-them daisies. Man up and open your ******* eyes. Hate is hate...and it's gonna be around for a long damned while. I want to see what their reaction is gonna be the first time they're shot at while on tour. Are you gonna lay down your damned rifle and say "wait! we can solve this!"? Get real. You can be liberal all you ******* want in the afterlife...cause that's where you're gonna be heading right quick and in a hurry. Leave our boys alone, for crying out loud. Obviously, you f-ing liberals have way too much time and have life way too damned easy if you're gonna get your skirts in a bunch and your panties in a wad over a silly song. Tanker, Dirk...I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sacrifices and service. Semper Fi. Sheldon, you have thus far been quite deft at your wordplay with Tanker...but what sacrifices have YOU made for your country? Please tell me that you have done more than author books. Perhaps I am killing the messenger, but I am just SICK of hearing of how many liberals our boys have to deal with. In my honest opinion, they should round up all of them and send them on tour. I'm sure that they will have more to be concerned with/about than a song.
  • Reply to: It's a Game, It's Junk Food, It's Advergaming!   18 years 2 months ago

    I think it is very sad that the ONLY thing CSPI can harp on is childhood obesity. There are many reasons the above practice is harmful, including turning them into little corporate clones. Furthermore, nutrition and exercise are important for all children.
    It is too bad the corporate cops have no idea how much they are damaging children by constantly putting them in a negative spotlight
    and contributing to the moral panic surrounding childhood obesity. I honestly think the corporations like it to, because they only have to defend themselves on one issue. They can just hope someone will invent a pill for fat and focus blame on parents until that comes along. I really feel sorry for today's childrens and thank God I am not a parent.
