I couldn't get to the webcast until after you were done testifying. Did the committee ask you any questions? How about dropping the other shoe for those of us who missed out.
Bull excrement, MoveOn backing of Pelosi "Surge" funding of an immoral and illegal murder in Iraq stinks to the high heaven of sell out.
This is the opinion of myself who is no longer a member of this sell-out group.
Impeachment, bring the troops home (NOW), and return to a Constitutional government. Suck up to the Empire at your risk.
DeWayne Benson
A deck full of strawmen. Does it not strike Mr. Hoofnagle that those patterns he ridicules might be evidence for opposing principles? Or is he the only one entitled to consistency?
The fight to end the war moves to the Senate this week. Senators are debating a plan that takes the Iraq Study Group's recommendations and sets a date to begin redeployment. The Senate could vote on it as soon as tomorrow.
It is urgent that the Senate plan contains a timeline for withdrawal and Republicans are going to try to strip those deadlines out. Sen. Sununu's votecould determine the outcome....
Why just march when you can CHAAAARRRGE!!! Call your senator and say you want funding for the war cut off, the money in the pipeline used to bring the troops home, and hands off Iran! Oh, and impeachment would be nice, too. MoveOn even gave me Sen. Sununu's phone number. :-)
In our Moveon poll, 96% of you said "Moveon should truthfully explain why
it undermined the Barbara Lee Amendment for a fully-funded withdrawal from
Farhad Manjoo of Salon.com got a shocking answer from Moveon's Eli Pariser
- even though they knew Moveon's members would support it, they refused to
promote it!
A deck full of strawmen. Does it not strike Mr. Hoofnagle that those patterns he ridicules might be evidence for opposing principles? Or is he the only one entitled to consistency?
Why just march when you can CHAAAARRRGE!!! Call your senator and say you want funding for the war cut off, the money in the pipeline used to bring the troops home, and hands off Iran! Oh, and impeachment would be nice, too. MoveOn even gave me Sen. Sununu's phone number. :-)
In our Moveon poll, 96% of you said "Moveon should truthfully explain why
it undermined the Barbara Lee Amendment for a fully-funded withdrawal from
Farhad Manjoo of Salon.com got a shocking answer from Moveon's Eli Pariser
- even though they knew Moveon's members would support it, they refused to
promote it!
Much more here...
Bob Fertik, Democrats.com