Maybe I've got the metaphor wrong, but it seems to me that that's what they're already doing by leaving the troops in harm's way rather than having to hear people yell Chicken! when they bring the troops home.
Interesting that Obama didn't quite say how he himself would vote in the circumstance he posited.
And then there's this:
"I think that it's important for voters to get a sense of how the next president will make decisions in a foreign policy arena."
It just might help with that if Congress could hold some hearings on the question, "What the f--- is U.S. foreign policy really all about anyway?"
Obama: Congress will fund Iraq war after expected Bush veto
April 2, 2007
BY Mike Glover Associated Press
SIOUX CITY, Iowa -- If President George W. Bush vetoes an Iraq war
spending bill as promised, Congress quickly will provide the money
without the withdrawal timeline the White House objects to because no
lawmaker "wants to play chicken with our troops," Sen. Barack Obama
said Sunday.
"My expectation is that we will continue to try to ratchet up the
pressure on the president to change course," the Democratic
presidential candidate said in an interview with The Associated
Press. "I don't think that we will see a majority of the Senate vote
to cut off funding at this stage."
I don't understand why anyone pays any mind to this creature.
She has no redeeming qualities at all. Her true claim to fame is that she is willing to do anything just to get noticed. Didn't we
all have a class clown in grade school that the teacher told us to ignore because their behavior was such a pathetic grap for attention.
Put the class clown in a mega mini skirt, register it Republican and you have Coulter.
"My favorite part was Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's claims...."
He's good at it. I almost felt sorry for him for the blowback from his dinosaur fart joke. Almost.
Dear Mutternich and others,
You can download the video of the hearing here:
Eventually, there should be a transcript as well, though that takes a while. Sheldon's still traveling, but will hopefully write about the hearing when he returns. My favorite part was Rep. [[Dana Rohrabacher]]'s claims that the real problem with regard to science and politics is the censorship of scientists who question [[global warming]].
Maybe I've got the metaphor wrong, but it seems to me that that's what they're already doing by leaving the troops in harm's way rather than having to hear people yell Chicken! when they bring the troops home.
Interesting that Obama didn't quite say how he himself would vote in the circumstance he posited.
And then there's this:
It just might help with that if Congress could hold some hearings on the question, "What the f--- is U.S. foreign policy really all about anyway?"
Interesting quote today from Obama:
Obama: Congress will fund Iraq war after expected Bush veto
April 2, 2007
BY Mike Glover Associated Press
SIOUX CITY, Iowa -- If President George W. Bush vetoes an Iraq war
spending bill as promised, Congress quickly will provide the money
without the withdrawal timeline the White House objects to because no
lawmaker "wants to play chicken with our troops," Sen. Barack Obama
said Sunday.
"My expectation is that we will continue to try to ratchet up the
pressure on the president to change course," the Democratic
presidential candidate said in an interview with The Associated
Press. "I don't think that we will see a majority of the Senate vote
to cut off funding at this stage."
I don't understand why anyone pays any mind to this creature.
She has no redeeming qualities at all. Her true claim to fame is that she is willing to do anything just to get noticed. Didn't we
all have a class clown in grade school that the teacher told us to ignore because their behavior was such a pathetic grap for attention.
Put the class clown in a mega mini skirt, register it Republican and you have Coulter.