Of all the wrong headed impulses! This is nothing more than the same old stale wine of the the 50s and 60s in a shiny new bottle. Changing our behavior and alliances, picking better friends, holding true to real democratic principles to guide our actions in the world, these are the steps that need to be taken if we really want to build credibility.
This bill claims that there are serious obstacles to competition in providing service. That claim is bogus on its face. Any provider is welcome to offer service provided they negotiate with the city to insure reimbursement for use of our infrastructure, which was paid for by our tax dollars. There are other aspects such as customer service standards that must be met.
What this bill would do is remove local control, reduce revenues to the city, which will raise property taxes to cover the loss of revenue. It does NOT guarantee when a competitor might come into an area, it reduces customer service standards, and the picture quality is not guaranteed.
Interestingly, AT&T has stated that it may be YEARS before they might come to our area.
As info, I serve on the board of our local Public Access Center, and also serve as a volunteer in a variety of capacities.
I just got the spam email (i.e. unsolicited bulk email) below offering to put my company on the show - for a fee, and grant me 'final editorial control'. As these aren't 'broadcast', there's probably no government oversight of these VNR-like productions. Can these scum fall any lower?
Received: from skyradioandvideo.com (rrcs-64-183-99-142.west.biz.rr.com [])
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Received: from WORKSTATION34 ([]) by skyradioandvideo.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);
Sun, 13 May 2007 00:29:47 -0700
To: x
From: Patricia Chi
Subject: Radio Interview with
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Date: Sun, 13 May 2007 00:31:49 -0700
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I am writing on behalf of Sky Radio Network, the nation's
leading in-flight media company, in regards to our upcoming
"America's Innovators and Entrepreneurs" talk radio show on
American Airlines.
This special on-going radio series spotlights compelling
profiles of innovators and entrepreneurs -- from the small
business owner to the large enterprise CEO -- the people that
make up the backbone of business in America and are rarely
heard from. This show will feature stories of hope, ideas and
success stories in ways you've never heard before.
I would like to personally invite you to participate in our radio
program, which airs worldwide on American Airlines for a full
month reaching 4.2 million business and leisure travelers. There
is a small production fee to participate (see participation costs
and details below).
Our guests to date include:
Anthony Ambrose, General Manager, Intel
Craig Ellins, CEO, DigitalFX
Tom Cates, President, Brookeside
Stephan Brant, Managing VP, Hitachi Consulting
Debbie Grodon, President & CEO, Snappy Auctions
Al Knapp, President & CEO, Ethanex Energy
Joy Flora, President, Merry Maids
To hear some of our current and past interviews, click on
Our production team will produce a dynamic one-on-one
interview. Our writers will script everything in advance with
your final editorial control. Your interview will air in a
continuous loop on 29,000 American Airlines flights during
the entire month of September 2007.
Since we're on deadline, we're offering our last two spots on
our September 2007 edition for only $3,995 (normally $6,995).
Please note we must record your interview by May 30th and
because of our tight deadline, we need a commitment to secure
your spot no later than noon PST on Tuesday, May 15th.
Your participation includes:
1. Production and placement of a three-minute interview/profile
to air worldwide on "The Business and Technology Report" on
29,000 American flights reaching 4.2 million in September 2007.
**American Airlines is the world's largest airline and flies to
more destinations than any other airline.
Media kit: http://www.skyradionet.com/mediakitaa.cfm
FAQ: http://www.skyradionet.com/faq
2. Sky Radio's "America's Innovators and Entrepreneurs" program
listing in American Attractions (350,000 monthly copies).
** American Attractions has the greatest number of readers
and largest circulation of any in-flight publication.
3. Rebroadcast of interview on http://www.skyradionet.com
with link to your site for 1 year.
4. Digital audio file of interview for promotional and marketing
5. "As heard on American Airlines" logo for airing of interview
on your website.
6. All turnkey production including scripting, recording, editing,
mastering and delivery.
Please contact me as soon as possible to reserve your spot, as
space is very limited. In the meantime, I encourage you to visit
our website to gain a better understanding of who we are and
the caliber of clients we represent.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Patricia Chi
Sky Radio Network
12155 Riverside Drive
Valley Village, CA 91607
818.754.6687 Office
310-594-9609 Mobile
818.301.2099 Fax
Producers of the #1 Talk Shows in the Sky and on the Web
Sky Radio Network is an independent producer contracted
to place business and lifestyles talk radio programming for four
major domestic carriers. If you'd like to call for a reference,
please contact the Executive Producer, Elizabeth Montgomery
at 818-762-6800 ext. 11 or email em@skyradioandvideo.com.
If you want to be take off our invitation list, please reply to this
email stating your intent.
Mark Fiore's new cartoon, "[http://www.motherjones.com/commentary/fiore/2007/05/fest.html Pentagon Film Fest]," comments on the Haditha killings, [[Walter Reed Army Medical Center scandal|Walter Reed scandal]] and the Lynch and Tillman incidents.
Of all the wrong headed impulses! This is nothing more than the same old stale wine of the the 50s and 60s in a shiny new bottle. Changing our behavior and alliances, picking better friends, holding true to real democratic principles to guide our actions in the world, these are the steps that need to be taken if we really want to build credibility.
This bill claims that there are serious obstacles to competition in providing service. That claim is bogus on its face. Any provider is welcome to offer service provided they negotiate with the city to insure reimbursement for use of our infrastructure, which was paid for by our tax dollars. There are other aspects such as customer service standards that must be met.
What this bill would do is remove local control, reduce revenues to the city, which will raise property taxes to cover the loss of revenue. It does NOT guarantee when a competitor might come into an area, it reduces customer service standards, and the picture quality is not guaranteed.
Interestingly, AT&T has stated that it may be YEARS before they might come to our area.
As info, I serve on the board of our local Public Access Center, and also serve as a volunteer in a variety of capacities.
...they'd maintain their pipelines as well and consistently as they maintain their "lines of communication."
They were still doing it in 2005 and it continues today:
I just got the spam email (i.e. unsolicited bulk email) below offering to put my company on the show - for a fee, and grant me 'final editorial control'. As these aren't 'broadcast', there's probably no government oversight of these VNR-like productions. Can these scum fall any lower?