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  • Reply to: Let's Picko on Sicko   17 years 3 months ago

    And they think Michael Moore is playing hardball? Former head of the Chinese FDA Zheng Xiaoyo was sentenced to death for accepting bribes to expedite approval of new drugs (link). Sigh!!!! If only we could implement that here! When I think of all the women bullied into taking risky weight loss drugs, I think the U.S. FDA officials should be forced to take double douses of fen-phen. And I'd slip them Alli with their last meal too!!!!!!

  • Reply to: Let's Picko on Sicko   17 years 3 months ago

    "Moore’s film portrays the industry as money and marketing driven, and fails to show healthcare’s interest in patient well-being and care."

    I am not really a fan of Moore, but if EVER there was a more ridiculous quote anytime, anywere I can't think of one. Our health care system IS money and market driven and patient well-being and care is an afterthought. Pick apart any major study done by Pharma. The outcome is determined BEFORE the study is ever done, and the data is skewed in a way that assures Pharma maximum profit. Sheesh!!!!! I know she is a saleperson, but she needs to wake up and quit buying her own B.S.!!!!!!

    p.s. Wait. Maybe there IS a more ridiculous quote that exists. Didn't Dubya say we were in Iraq to promote democracy?????????

  • Reply to: No Slammer for Scooter   17 years 3 months ago

    If a Republican gets elected (not counting Ron Paul) I'm pretty sure I'll be looking into moving to another country. All these corrupt looking actions make me wonder if this were a different time and place would people organize and revolt? We're getting dangerously close to the conditions in which the founding fathers said a revolution is in order.

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  • Reply to: The Spin Doctor Will See You Now   17 years 3 months ago

    Maybe I just don't understand health care well enough but I just don't see how prices would really change all that much with "free" government health insurance. I've always been under the impression that our medicine was expensive because of how we obtain it and that our care was expensive because doctors have been sued to hell and have ridiculous insurance that they have to afford themselves. I don't see either of these changing just because just because the government is taking care of things. More people would have health care but there'd still be the same overhead and it would be getting paid by our taxes going up instead of big personal bills each month, right?

    I think the privatized idea sounds a lot nicer. Competition is one of the most effective ways to lower the cost of anything. Of course there might still be limits due to malpractice insurance and whatnot. If I'm missing something about this let me know.

    I make music at
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  • Reply to: Let's Picko on Sicko   17 years 3 months ago

    "Moore 'attacks health insurers, health providers, and pharmaceutical companies by connecting them to isolated and emotional stories of the system at its worst,' wrote Lauren Turner.

    Could that possibly be because of the health care and PR industries' efforts to keep the victims isolated, and the public from connecting the dots?

    Here's an example of how these issues get framed, inadvertently or otherwise:

    How well does 'SiCKO' stand up to the facts?

    The movie presents a series of heart-rending anecdotes meant to illustrate systemic failures and foul-ups under the US' insurance industry - even if many of the major pieces of evidence have already been widely reported elsewhere

    By Kevin Lamb

    Tuesday, Jul 03, 2007, Page 16

    The wording of the headline pictures SiCKO on one side opposed by "the facts" on the other. A fairer wording, IMO, might be something like, "How well does SiCKO represent the facts?"

    I came across that headline in the entertainment section of Google News.
