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  • Reply to: Let's Picko on Sicko   17 years 2 months ago

    Either wording would still be placing the facts versus SiCKO which is fair. Why shouldn't we look for facts and compare them to SiCKO? If it's accurate then there's no problem. I'm sure they are accurate for the most part as well but I'm also sure that they're used only in ways that completely support what he's trying to prove, which is natural.

    I think when they say that those cases are isolated they mean there are very few of them. If they were the norm at all I'm sure they'd be all over the news. People are greedy but I don't think that all the people that were wronged by their insurers could be bought out especially when the issue is getting money from insurers to pay for their medical needs. At that point whether they're bought out or helped they're getting the money they need to do what they need to do.

    I respect Michael Moore for bringing the issue to the forefront but I don't really agree with his assessments. Our health care is not much more or less effective than any other country we just spend much more on it. Universal health care will just change where the money comes from to cover the overhead costs but won't change what the costs are.

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  • Reply to: Green as in Money   17 years 2 months ago

    LOL, I so want to see that Shell ad. Please tell me someone knows where a clip of it can be viewed?

    I make music at
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  • Reply to: Bush Approval Hits New Low   17 years 2 months ago

    It's kinda shocking that his ratings are just now hitting all time lows. I mean c'mon people, you wait until he has a little over a year left to finally be like, "Hmm, you know, I think he may be really screwing up our country."?

    I also find it hilarious that to counteract this low approval rating they've stepped up their tough talk on Democrats. It's not, "Hey, maybe we're doing something wrong and should change to reflect what the people want." it's, "This must be the work of those evil Democrats who are obviously in cahoots with the evil terrorists!".

    I make music at
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  • Reply to: Cherie Blair to Represent Club Owner on Smoking Ban Challenge   17 years 3 months ago

    And for those who cry about how much smokers cost the rest of us, don't forget to subtract the social security and medicare they won't be using by dying at a younger age.

    Philip Morris actually made that pitch to the government of the Czech Republic.

    There isn't any "them and us" here. We're all in it together.

  • Reply to: Cherie Blair to Represent Club Owner on Smoking Ban Challenge   17 years 3 months ago

    Wasn't Blair's administration responsible for all kinds of health police tactics when he was in office? This shows that they really could care less about health one way or another. They take the side that somehow benefits them the most, and will switch at a moment's notice for a better offer. That being said, I think some clubs and restaurants should be allowed to allow smoking. I think they should have special licenses. (More revenue for whatever $grubbing gov they are located in.) It should be clearly post on the door. If people choose to go in, that is their business. I wouldn't enter as I prefer to kill myself in other ways. Like the brain hemorages I get when reading about the neocons. Still, it should be an individual's choice. And for those who cry about how much smokers cost the rest of us, don't forget to subtract the social security and medicare they won't be using by dying at a younger age.
