Recent comments

  • Reply to: Playing Spin the Real ID   17 years 1 week ago

    ...How about Real ID, the Mark of the Beast. I'm thoroughly secular, but for some reason that really resonates in me.

  • Reply to: A First for the FCC: Fining Fake News!   17 years 1 week ago
    The vnr advertises the sleep foundation which is one of many astroturf organizations located at 1522 K st suite 500.
  • Reply to: Mad Cows and Mad Policies   17 years 1 week ago

    SEPTEMBER 2007

    Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 21:31:55 -0500

    I suggest that you all read the data out about h-BASE and sporadic CJD, GSS,
    blood, and some of the other abstracts from the PRION2007. ...

    USA BASE CASE, (ATYPICAL BSE), AND OR TSE (whatever they are calling it
    today), please note that both the ALABAMA COW, AND THE TEXAS COW, both were
    ''H-TYPE'', personal communication Detwiler et al Wednesday, August 22, 2007
    11:52 PM. ...TSS

    see full text 143 pages ;

    Terry S. Singeltary Sr. Bacliff, Texas

  • Reply to: America's Army Fights Back: The PR Plan for the Pentagon's "Demonstration Village"   17 years 2 weeks ago
    In reference to this quote: <blockquote>Pardew recounted that one Colombian student "raised his voice, asking, 'Why are we here to discuss that human rights is good? We all know that our career is over if we commit a human rights abuse.'" <strong>She found the student's comment rather ironic</strong>, given how infrequently Colombia has prosecuted its military for abuses.</blockquote> Ironic? I don't think so. Since WHINSEC provides much of the leadership training the students need for advancement which includes several non-commissioned officer courses, a Captains Career course, and now the Command And General Staff Course. <a href="http://"></a> The issue isn't the fact that the person probably wouldn't be prosecuted in their own country for human rights abuses. The issue is the fact that WHINSEC's vetting system would not allow the student back to the school if accusations of abuse are made. This in effect can kill their career. Since the school is a vital resource for the training needed for advancement. As a military officer if I was not allowed to take the Captain's level Career Course I would never make Captian. What it says to me is that WHINSEC and its human rights training is preventing future human rights abuses from taking place. And even more importantly if the person was even assigned to a unit which had human rights abuse accusations made against it they would be excluded from future classes. That will cause the junior leaders to at least hesitate if not stop them in their tracks when tempted to use brute force rather than diplomacy. I'd sure like to see that observation at least considered in an article somewhere.
  • Reply to: Was Wikipedia Spinning Part of H&K's Maldives Work?   17 years 2 weeks ago

    In public relations, telling the truth is more important than spin. I'm certain spin doctors would find a way to justify their horrid work. PR firms do carry responsibilities as all civic bodies do. H$K is the best example of a PR exercise gone awry and has resulted in unaccountable damage to an island community, struggling to free itself from a nasty dictator!
