Note also the intense lobbying to withdraw a recent amendment to the French constitution : the "precaution principle" / "precautionary principle" for all environmental issues is criticized as a hindrance for innovation and R&D. A monsantan / microsoftian argument if I ever saw one.
The Dems do deserve some harsh treatment, but the intel cooking around Iran should definitely get the platinium award.
On Richter's scale, trembling in Dubya's trap (if you keep your electoral promise you condemn all the people caught in the Iraqi quagmire I set up) looks much lower than deliberately submitting American values to the electric chair.
Stephane MOT -
<a href="">blogules and other Weapons of Mass Disinformation</a>
The "deleting heating" deniers are at work in the European Union, too. "[ The EXXON Files!]," an online video from Friends of the Earth Europe, describes the problem.
The report about CNN "fake" information about Iran is no surprise. The CNN people and in particular Wolf Blitzer were never journalists to ask the really tough question. Call it gutlessness or whatever. They belonge to the ones who helped Bush to make his case for the Iraq war. Of course right wingers call CNN liberal. In view of radical right winger and CNN host Glenn Beck this allegation is even more than ridiculous.
Since the neoconservatives began to emerge as a political force in the mid-to-late 1970s, they have followed a consistent strategy of targeting the information flows inside the United States, paying particular attention to controlling the nation’s intelligence analysts and purging independent thinking from the U.S. news media....
Note also the intense lobbying to withdraw a recent amendment to the French constitution : the "precaution principle" / "precautionary principle" for all environmental issues is criticized as a hindrance for innovation and R&D. A monsantan / microsoftian argument if I ever saw one.
Stephane MOT -
blogules and other Weapons of Mass Disinformation
The report about CNN "fake" information about Iran is no surprise. The CNN people and in particular Wolf Blitzer were never journalists to ask the really tough question. Call it gutlessness or whatever. They belonge to the ones who helped Bush to make his case for the Iraq war. Of course right wingers call CNN liberal. In view of radical right winger and CNN host Glenn Beck this allegation is even more than ridiculous.