bkst Union bosses need to be at the door! These people protect our rights to a fair and equitable wage in al areas of industry. I learned this back in 1968. The only reason for the explosion in the cost of living negatively affected every person was created by big business charging excessive prices for goods and services, like we are experiencing today!!!!! The only way to correct this is to demand a rollback in costs. This would help all AMERICANS.
The spin in this item is how the casino towns are interpreting the new law to undermine its intent. Obviously, one inch from a doorway isn't really "away" from a doorway at all, and by most people understand "outdoors" to be a place without walls at all.
Sorry for the lack of clarity. I'll try to be clearer in the future.
"...The young men who got mauled might have been drinking alcohol, might have had taunted the tiger, and might have been using marijuana. So maybe it wasn't so much the zoo's fault after all?"
I seem to recall a quote from a very old court decision that held, "A drunken man has as much right to a safe street as a sober man, and greater need of one."
The points you raise each seem to me to be starting points for possible research that could be done in an interesting way using the internet. For example, you write: "These films do indeed seem to illuminate social attitudes, but whose? And how were they received? We have little real data on reception -- what kids thought of the films they were shown." This may be true, but there are still lots of people alive who remember seeing some of these films as kids and whose recollections could tell us some interesting things about reception. (For example, I remember myself being shown a number of driver's education films that seem to be from this genre, featuring mostly gory footage of actual corpses and injuries sustained by unsafe drivers. The purpose of the films, of course, was to scare kids into obeying traffic laws, but for at least some of the kids in the class, there was a sort of excitement about watching them and a sort of shock-based entertainment value.)
It would be great if we could figure out some system for collecting these sorts of recollections in a systematic fashion.
Seems to me that the only spinning here is being done by CMD itself. By running this story you're quietly suggesting that some kind of nefarious PR is being practised by the pro-smoking lobby. But I don't see any evidence for that. Sure you're not just expressing personal support for one side of the dispute?
Declaration of interests: I don't smoke or live in Colorado, thank God, but I sympathise with those who do.
bkst Union bosses need to be at the door! These people protect our rights to a fair and equitable wage in al areas of industry. I learned this back in 1968. The only reason for the explosion in the cost of living negatively affected every person was created by big business charging excessive prices for goods and services, like we are experiencing today!!!!! The only way to correct this is to demand a rollback in costs. This would help all AMERICANS.
The spin in this item is how the casino towns are interpreting the new law to undermine its intent. Obviously, one inch from a doorway isn't really "away" from a doorway at all, and by most people understand "outdoors" to be a place without walls at all.
Sorry for the lack of clarity. I'll try to be clearer in the future.
Anne Landman
I seem to recall a quote from a very old court decision that held, "A drunken man has as much right to a safe street as a sober man, and greater need of one."
The points you raise each seem to me to be starting points for possible research that could be done in an interesting way using the internet. For example, you write: "These films do indeed seem to illuminate social attitudes, but whose? And how were they received? We have little real data on reception -- what kids thought of the films they were shown." This may be true, but there are still lots of people alive who remember seeing some of these films as kids and whose recollections could tell us some interesting things about reception. (For example, I remember myself being shown a number of driver's education films that seem to be from this genre, featuring mostly gory footage of actual corpses and injuries sustained by unsafe drivers. The purpose of the films, of course, was to scare kids into obeying traffic laws, but for at least some of the kids in the class, there was a sort of excitement about watching them and a sort of shock-based entertainment value.)
It would be great if we could figure out some system for collecting these sorts of recollections in a systematic fashion.
What's this story got to do with spin?
Seems to me that the only spinning here is being done by CMD itself. By running this story you're quietly suggesting that some kind of nefarious PR is being practised by the pro-smoking lobby. But I don't see any evidence for that. Sure you're not just expressing personal support for one side of the dispute?
Declaration of interests: I don't smoke or live in Colorado, thank God, but I sympathise with those who do.