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  • Reply to: To Tackle Climate Change an "All of the Above" Strategy Is Needed   10 years 6 months ago
    Since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, over $100 billion has been spent studying CAGW, and the null hypothesis, that climate change is due to natural causes, hasn't been disproven. There is no research showing that CO2 causes warming. All research showing temperature increases show that CO2 increased after temperature: an increase in temperature caused an increase in CO2. The argument for CAGW is based entirely on propaganda, invalid science, altered and fabricated data, and media and CAGW-website censorship of science.
  • Reply to: Senate Tackles Citizens United As 2014 Spending Hits Record Highs   10 years 6 months ago
    If this effort is to be undertaken it must include "Corporations are not persons" or something that means the same.
  • Reply to: The Googlization of the Far Right: Why is Google Funding Grover Norquist, Heritage Action and ALEC?   10 years 6 months ago
    Not everyone at Google is a "progressive".
  • Reply to: Water Rights March in Detroit   10 years 6 months ago
    The people can get all the free water they want from the lakes. But if they want the water treated to be potable and delivered to their house, they need to pay.
  • Reply to: Glenn Greenwald Speaks Out   10 years 6 months ago
    You mean social psychology perhaps? Or maybe "social engineering"? In any case, I think we're taking our eye off the ball when we accuse Obama of participating in the vast expansion of US "police state" apparatus. While he most assuredly is participating in it - which is reprehensible - I have to wonder if that participation can't also be read as a measure of success for a de facto neocon/Pentagon/NSA coup - one that began immediately after the collapse of the USSR suddenly threatened the careers of men like Cheney, Wolfowitz, and others who we know began a desperate search for a new justification to keep defense spending at Cold War levels despite the end of the Cold War. That search began as early as 1990-91, which we know about because of leaks like the 1991 GOP white-paper known as the "Wolfowitz Doctrine" - a document so brazenly militarist in tone and substance the GOP was forced to distance itself from it publically, but which nevertheless formed key elements of the Pentagon's 1992 Defense Planning Guidance (DPG).
