"The vast majority of our funds, 84%, come from individuals and foundations..."
...but what corporations and individuals support those foundations? Since Heartland Institute no longer tells the public which foundations it gets support from, for all we know those foundations might get most or all of their support from energy or other corporations whose vested interests lie in protecting the status quo, and/or other entities and individuals heavily invested in them.
If the argument that you take your philosophical positions based on who funds you is so laughable, why not let us all in on the laugh and tell us who funds you?
I don't think one posting is "all the time," Mutternich.
Please, not all Spitzer all the time. Okay? Please?
...but what corporations and individuals support those foundations? Since Heartland Institute no longer tells the public which foundations it gets support from, for all we know those foundations might get most or all of their support from energy or other corporations whose vested interests lie in protecting the status quo, and/or other entities and individuals heavily invested in them.
If the argument that you take your philosophical positions based on who funds you is so laughable, why not let us all in on the laugh and tell us who funds you?
"Real change has to come from each and every one of us."- Gov. Schwarzenegger
Given that "Ethos" is the ancient Greek word for credibility or character/trustworthiness, this story is particularly redolent of corporate nonsense!