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  • Reply to: Two Unions Are Finding Deals at Wal-Mart   16 years 3 months ago

    In fairness, the WakeUp WalMart folks challenged what the NY Times wrote about them on their own blog.

  • Reply to: Corporate-Sponsored "Slacktivism": Bigger and More Dangerous than the Urban Dictionary Realizes   16 years 4 months ago
    "Slacktivism" may or may not catch on and last. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Go to <a href=""></a> and subscribe to A Word A Day. It's free. After a few months you'll get an inkling of how many words have effectively disappeared from the English language without any intervention by anyone like Orwell's character Symes. You'll probably find you don't care that much because other perfectly good current words convey the very same meanings. Then too, remember how terms coined with propagandistic intent can backfire -- like "freedom fries." The point is that in the long run the natural evolution of language will give "newspeakers" their comeuppance.
  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundits, Media Reform and Talking Back to Bill O'Reilly   16 years 4 months ago
    O'Reilly says, "ANNNND...Mary Katherine Ham." Oo-la-la. :-)
  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundits, Media Reform and Talking Back to Bill O'Reilly   16 years 4 months ago
    From [ Senator Lautenberg's office]: <blockquote>Sens. [[Frank Lautenberg]], [[John Kerry]], [[Bob Menendez]] and [[Byron Dorgan]] today introduced legislation that will prohibit the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) from using appropriated funds for propaganda and will require the DoD Inspector General and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to deliver reports to Congress within 90 days. The bill is a companion measure to Rep. [[Paul Hodes]]' (D-N.H.) amendment to the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 5658).</blockquote> My $0.02 -- setting time limits for the ongoing investigations is important. But I can't understand how adding new restrictions on propaganda -- when there are already anti-propaganda laws on the books that aren't being enforced -- makes a difference.
  • Reply to: What's Green on the Outside and Has a Hummer on the Inside?   16 years 4 months ago

    Dear Hummer manufacturer the new Hummer is good for families the problem with it is not the room inside or the safety and comfort of the vehicle. It's the gas mileage, the first ones got about 12 mpg, thn the second models got 20 mpg. If you want to have success with the third model which I believe will be popular for it's style and room for familes you must embrace the on demand hydrogen technology and manufacturer the vehicles with 40 to 50 Mpg! You can hae a competition of nerds that can work on this for you and then you won't have to sell off the line because you will be swimming in profits. Solar roof panels would go over on this vehicle too. see our link on
