After thinking about this all day, the cover was not only disgusting, it was, in my opinion, blatantly racist. This election needs an intelligent discussion of the serious issues, not another week of media spin on this cover. I think the issue should be pulled from all retail and library shelves and returned to Conde Nast. Remnick should be fired. If I were an advertiser with The New Yorker, they would no longer have my business. The cover was not funny and it was not satirical.
with very hot pokers for suggesting 8 year olds should be on cholestoral lowering medications. This industry, plus the puppet media, lawmakers and doctors who let their strings be pulled are all completely out of control!!!
Looks to me like it satirized racism. (They forgot the bomb in Obama's turban, though.)
Fine, I promise not to post any more comments on it after Wednesday.
After thinking about this all day, the cover was not only disgusting, it was, in my opinion, blatantly racist. This election needs an intelligent discussion of the serious issues, not another week of media spin on this cover. I think the issue should be pulled from all retail and library shelves and returned to Conde Nast. Remnick should be fired. If I were an advertiser with The New Yorker, they would no longer have my business. The cover was not funny and it was not satirical.
Forging a beautiful story about a nice looking female soldier being rescued for real time TV : GOOD.
Mention any wound, death or bad behavior involving one of our boys : BAD.
Stereotype the POTUS and his Veep "as crazy or psychologically damaged" : VERY BAD.
Stephane MOT -
blogules and other Weapons of Mass Disinformation
It's all about control. That's all it's every been about.
with very hot pokers for suggesting 8 year olds should be on cholestoral lowering medications. This industry, plus the puppet media, lawmakers and doctors who let their strings be pulled are all completely out of control!!!