Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Money Behind the Climate Change Skeptics Conference   16 years 2 weeks ago

    There is no conclusive evidence that climate change is happening. The changes in measured temperatures are part of the natural cycle, the scale is not sufficiently large that it make changes beyond sensible least cost.

  • Reply to: In Iraq, the U.S. Military Needs to Tell Its Story Better   16 years 3 weeks ago

    By the way, the original mis-quote was due to an error on PR Week's part. Their online story was corrected without any notice, but their Sept. 8 print issue carries a correction. (I knew I had double-checked that!)

  • Reply to: "Fixers" Fail to Keep Mortgage Execs' Parachutes Golden   16 years 3 weeks ago

    The [ Wall Street Journal] (sub req'd) reports that Mudd and Syron will keep their pensions and 401(k) savings plans:

    "Mr. Mudd's pension and 401k plan has an estimated current value of $5.6 million ... and for Mr. Syron the figure is $4 million. But the FHFA [Federal Housing Finance Agency, which now has authority over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] won't allow additional severance payments of about $2.3 million that could have gone to Mr. Mudd and $10.3 million for Mr. Syron."

  • Reply to: That Fixes Everything   16 years 3 weeks ago

    From now on, questions about Palin ethics will be dealt like terrorist attacks : "a former top U.S. terrorism prosecutor from New York, Ed O'Callaghan, to assist Palin's personal lawyer working to derail or delay a pending ethics investigation in Alaska"
    (AP "McCain campaign clamps down on questions in Alaska" 20080917)

    A major attack has just been prevented : thanks to O'Callaghan, but also her Alaskan and Texan supporters, Palin won't have to testify nor elaborate about her definition of ethics.

    Nevertheless, Current McCain-Palin Threat Level is elevated to red.

    Stephane MOT -
    blogules and other Weapons of Mass Disinformation


  • Reply to: Join the Discussion: New Forums for Communication on SourceWatch   16 years 3 weeks ago

    Stuck in my newspaper today was a DVD entitled,
    "Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West"
    This was produced by Peter Mier and Raphael Shore.
    Sounds pretty right wing, CIA'ish kind of thing.
    Who are these people?

    Thanks for any info

    I found the following link;'s_War_Against_the_West
