Recent comments

  • Reply to: Patrick Moore on Drugs   15 years 8 months ago

    You make it look like I am in favor of drug residues in the environment. You ignore the fact that 90% of pharmaceutical residues in the environment (water) are from our own waste (sewage). When we take medicine not all of it is digested and some of it comes out in our pee and poo. So it would be possible to avoid this if we either stopped taking medicine or stopped peeing and pooing. Is this your plan? It is true that I help advise companies that make our medicine. What is your solution? It seems to me you just attack people who are trying to find solutions and to explain the reality of the situation to the public. I have been working for the environment and public health for 40 years. If you have something positive to contribute other than character assassination I would appreciate hearing about it.

  • Reply to: Hate for the Holidays   15 years 9 months ago

    The true measure of racism can be found in 96% of African-American voters supporting Obama and the liberal medias overwhelming bias against conserviatives. The savage attacks on Govenor Palin by liberal Hollywood outlets and major broadcast networks gave us some insight as what is to come in future elections. The only hope for Republicans is to change their political affiliations to Independents which would offer more of a moving target for the medias DNC controlled attacks. Those who control the media control free speech. The 'race card' has become just another tool for liberals to stop debate when truth and facts have compromised their position.

  • Reply to: Is the FDA Tobacco Bill the "Altria Earnings Protection Act"?   15 years 9 months ago

    One of the first things I look for when I browse articles on a new site is whether or not the authors give the reader ANYTHING with which to check the facts asserted. For instance, if you refer to a bill, as this article does, not giving the number of the bill being referred to is amateurish, irresponsible journalism. Following three links from the original post left me with the same question I started with.

    Articles of this nature absolutely reek of leftist partisan politics. I don't know the author, so why on earth would I ever trust what they said verbatim. So far, I have seen little to no responsible journalism on this site. I may give it one more chance, but that's about it.

  • Reply to: Gadget Company Engages in Pay-for-Praise Online   15 years 9 months ago

    This sounds like flat-out consumer fraud. As an attorney, I would guess it is only a matter of days (maybe hours now that you've flagged this) till someone will throw the book at these guys.

    Sanford Lewis
    Strategic Counsel on Corporate Accountability

  • Reply to: Deadly Deception: The Tobacco Industry's Secondhand Smoke Cover Up   15 years 9 months ago
    In my opinion this complaining about the tobacco industry lying about second hand smoke is an old, old story. Truthfully, I have known many people who died from lung disease but never smoked nor been around it... That may be because of second hand smoke - but maybe not, since their is so much pollution in the air - who needs second hand smoke to blame !!! I have known bartenders and cocktail waitresses who never got lung disease, yet people who were never exposed - died of lung disease. Check the records. Smoking is a nasty habit anyway (IMO) and it can only be a plus to your body to NOT partake in any manner...... But if people like to smell bad and go broke - go ahead and knock yourself out...... Because huge taxes are being planned for cigarretts, and will be implemented soon. Nationally and Statewide...... Another point. Whey do they never refer to taxes on all tobacco products? Like those awful cigars? Why do they always say cigarretts? Is it my immagination that they seem to discriminate?
