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  • Reply to: The Failure of Oregon's Cigarette Tax: a Postmortem   15 years 8 months ago
    As one of the Oregonians that voted against the tax increase and a non-smoker I’ll give a little insight why this ill-conceived measure went down in flames. If we want to cover low income citizens in Oregon then all citizens should shoulder the tax burden not thrust it onto a minority? Then there’s the fact that Sin taxes make for unstable revenue particularly tobacco where use has been declining our existing program.
  • Reply to: Influential Energy Agency Blows off Wind Power   15 years 8 months ago

    The pot calling the kettle black.

    Independent, retired scientists tell us that wind does NOT work to generate reliable capacity . Simply put, we cannot rely on wind to contribute much if any to real growth in demand for electricty because it's too variable to give a steady stream of electricty.

    The wind companies cry foul at anyone from another energy background when they themselves are the charlatains promoting a system that rapes the tax payer without providing much usuable electricty. WHY DOESN'T THIS SITE COVER THE USE OF JUNK SCIENCE IN THE WIND INDUSTRY? A huge issue (given the fact that Obama is providing 18 billion to the industry )

  • Reply to: Coming this week in Congress: Housing, Medicare cuts and FISA (July 6-12, 2008)   15 years 8 months ago
    The website Turning 65 Made Easy is designed to help individuals 65 understand Medicare.
  • Reply to: Conservative Media Bias   15 years 8 months ago

    The "liberal media" myth is the result of endless parsing and meaningless statistics. The measures of "liberal media" are based on entirely subjective definitions of "liberal." Many surveys purportedly reflecting liberal media bias rely on notoriously unreliable self-reported data.

    When it comes to the self-evidently conservative bias of media it is a matter of "who do you believe me or your lying eyes?" What liberal media instutution would cover conservative accusations of bias so assiduously as bastions of "liberality" such as Disney's ABC and GE's NBC?

  • Reply to: Where There's PR Smoke, There's, Dude   15 years 8 months ago

    Global Warming has happened before and it would happen without us here it's just the Earth and i'm pretty sure no one caused those numerous ice ages because we didn't have industry then.

    Think For Yourselves Once.
