Recent comments

  • Reply to: "Countrywide" Goes the Way of "Blackwater"   15 years 8 months ago

    This is still just a joke. 45 billion dollars of the taxpayers money! Tell me what are we getting besides screwed for this money? How about really looking closely at these mortgages and use the money to actually help our fellow Americans rather then line the pockets of management! Show me the money people remember that phrase? BOA is a awfui bank look at their financials and dig deep into salaries. Who was it that said " I will survive " oh yeah Gloria Gaynor.

  • Reply to: "Countrywide" Goes the Way of "Blackwater"   15 years 8 months ago

    Yeah, right. Tell that to the Countrywide and B of A customers who know the TRUTH.

  • Reply to: The Legacy of Mr. Horace Kornegay   15 years 8 months ago
    Way to go into history books. Horace led criminal enterprise, which was delegalized by NY State.
  • Reply to: Lingering Denial   15 years 8 months ago

    Who wrote that?

    Do you think we're all absolutely nuts or did you really mean to say something other than "the editorial departments solid understanding" of the climate change /weather.

    You really weren't kidding...were you? On an issue of this scientific magnitude that has scientists scrambling and debating one another - you're really so arrogant as to make a distinction between reporters and editorial staff superior understanding of the scientific subject matter over the mere 'columnists/talking-heads/pundits.' this is why reporters report, because they really are the ones with the full understanding of each issue? They teach climate change in Journalism School...or do you all pick that up as a hobbie.

    This illustrates the fundamental problem with went from reporting the facts of the story and leaving interpretation to the audience, to this current state of 'we're smarter than eveyone because people are listening to / reading us."

    People go to the circus and watch clowns as well...

  • Reply to: Debating the Ban on Domestic Propaganda   15 years 8 months ago
    Rep. Hodes needs to review his notes from school....if I may correct him, the same people who make policy are the same ones who make war. Let him not confuse the people who execute orders afield with the elected leaders who give them. The failure of diplomacy and resultant armed conflict demands any aid to regain diplomacy must be fully utilized. If psychological operations diminishes armed conflict and therefore saves lives the value of this influence is beyond measure. The unfortunate fact that military force is necessary as an extension of politics upon the failure of diplomacy absolutely demands close association of public affairs, public diplomacy communications, info ops, and psyops. (Again I must address your subjective wording "Smith unapologetically defends two controversial practices...") Why would he apologize? At their core, none of these are completely dissimilar, and all are completely necessary (applied properly). The effort to minimize the exertion of military force to the extent possible and return the curve of conflict toward diplomacy is by all means paramount - even above, yes, the integrity of local media and the reputation of the U.S. government. After all, we must admit in our hearts we know that both have been sold out for much less than peace in the past. -JF
