Recent comments

  • Reply to: Take This Job and Love It   15 years 8 months ago
    ...minimum, to read the piece. No thanks. There's no shortage of crocodile tears from people in alligator shoes everywhere you look, for free.
  • Reply to: Take This Job and Love It   15 years 8 months ago
    The oldest PR trade press in the USA, O'Dwyer's, has an article on their website about my announcement of my leaving CMD. The headline on their homepage is: "PR World Weeps as Stauber Steps Down" It is currently on their homepage at: As one of my colleagues commented after reading some of the nasty comments from PR industry types, "it's always nice to know that you've angered the right people." Of course the irony is that I'm leaving, but our organization currently has 9 employees, so it's not like these industry PR flacks will catch a break. John
  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   15 years 8 months ago

    "Are you guys lined up at the airport waiting to spit on the troops coming off of the planes?"

    No, I'm just waiting to board. And, to remind you, we're talking about mercenaries, not our servicepeople.

    "Surely deeds of a few (tragic as they are) have been used to paint the whole of the organization and all of the people in it."

    The appropriate word here isn't "tragic" but "atrocious." We're talking, among other things, about an unprovoked massacre of civilians, and that's an atrocity.

    And yes, Xe/Blackwater people are mercenaries from top to bottom. Those at the top are opportunists, in it to get rich, and would probably do just the same no matter how atrocious the regime they lived within. And some at the bottom are really "soldiers of fortune" while others are just trying to support their families in a lousy economy when they have no better-paying skills. One way or another, top or bottom, whether they're bastards or nice guys when you know them personally, they're all using training paid for by the taxpayers of whatever country they're from and doing it for money, not to "serve." That makes them mercenaries.

    "Every conflict provides opportunity for blame to be dispersed..."

    Not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars to be disbursed to people like the owners of Xe/Blackwater. As long as war is so profitable for so many powerful people, we're always going to have wars whether we really need them or not.

  • Reply to: Journalism "Saved My Life"   15 years 8 months ago

    "Why does it take a news story and a US Senator...?"

    Next question: How many news stories does it take per senator?

  • Reply to: Chris Brown's Cleanup Crew   15 years 8 months ago

    Who cares who that coward hired. He BEAT a woman! He should be put in jail. It is amazing the doble standards that celebs have. The book should be thrown at him to set an example for our youth that it is WRONG to BEAT women!
