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  • Reply to: Lingering Denial   15 years 7 months ago

    To me the term denier means those who deny that climate change is happening- anonymous seems to apply the opposite meaning.

    That global warming has happened is beyond dispute. What effect man-made activities have had on this is still debatable, but it is clear that it is not zero.

  • Reply to: Deadly Deception: The Tobacco Industry's Secondhand Smoke Cover Up   15 years 8 months ago
    I think the furor over second hand tobacco smoke and the so-called statistics are a bunch of made up numbers by people with nothing better to do. What about all the chemicals we breath everyday at home and work. Out-gassing from nylon carpet, which is petroleum based, all the chemicals and pollutants at work places, smog,etc,etc. By the way, if you go to the root cause of the issue you will find that the govt was not doing their job. No regulation of this industry, due to "trade secrets" of the industry.
  • Reply to: Take This Job and Love It   15 years 8 months ago
    Don Quixote: "But what exactly did he accomplish? What's changed? How is the world a better place?" Ron Levy: "But what they often DON'T tell you is the "peril of the alternative" -- what the public will lose if it does what is urged." Okay, let's hear you guys talk to each other . ;-)
  • Reply to: Take This Job and Love It   15 years 8 months ago
    Here's the text of the actual article, with the comments at the bottom. O'Dwyer's is both a part of the PR industry and a real thorn in its side, a constant critic of major players. It's a wonder they have managed to survive. Jack O'Dwyer is on the dartboard of many PR execs and Kevin McCauley his senior editor is very sharp. (OK, maybe with those kind and honest words they'll not ask me to pull this off our site since they charge for it on theirs!) ====== John Stauber is stepping down as executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy, publisher of Stauber The founder of the Madison, Wisc.-based, nine-staffer PR watchdog says, "At 56, I want a less demanding life with more personal time." His successor will be a high-energy fund-raising pro with an understanding of the world of public interest social change, he said. Stauber says he launched CMD 16 years ago with $5,000 because the "world needed a public interest group devoted to documenting and exposing how government propaganda and corporate spin undermine democracy and progressive social change." His successor will lead CMD as it probes areas of human rights, citizen empowerment, social and economic justice, ecological sustainability and political and corporate accountability, according to the job specs. CMD wants a new executive director in place by the summer. Boston-based Egmont Assocs is handling the search for Stauber’s replacement. A cover letter, resume and salary history goes to segmont [at] or 85 East India Row #24, 02110. Responses: Don Quixote (2/23): Yes, we're all very sorry to see Mr. Stauber ride off into the sunset. But what exactly did he accomplish? What's changed? How is the world a better place? Veep (2/23): I'm sure a lot of reporters will be sad to see him go. He was the go- to quote when a slam on PR or story critical of PR spending was needed. Oh lord, he's probably going to write a book now, isn't he? Ron Levy, NAPS Research Director (2/24): They should be authorized to pay half the minimum wage for disseminating half-truths. What these people DO tell you is what they say you will get from what they propose. But what they often DON'T tell you is the "peril of the alternative" -- what the public will lose if it does what is urged. Just as every medical pill and procedure may confer not only an intended benefit but also a possible risk, so does every industry including PR which these people attack. Anyone who creates public benefit can be criticized: why don't they do it for less ... or better ... or with fewer side effects? But the public NEEDS much of what our companies and industries create. These critics don't tell how to do it better but often just whine that we should get more or pay less. Inherent in being a "public watchdog" is sometimes less watching than bitching.
  • Reply to: Getting Consumers to Pay Now for Nukes Later   15 years 8 months ago

    It take a special kind of jackass to build nuclear plants at all, and an even more idiotic moron to do it in sun-soaked Georgia. Do you really think the world's supply of uranium is infinite? Did G d whisper in your Bible-Belt ear that it was OK to create spent nuclear fuel for his world? Do you really believe men will continue to die in uranium mines to keep your ass fat? Did you know the worst kind of multi-national criminals have a monopoly on the uranium mines of the world and currently "fix" its price just like OPEC and the Saudis have for oil in America? Didn't you see the battery car, a natural ballast for Solar and Wind energy coming? Do you simply ignore, or not believe your own countries Scientists SEE: There is as much wind power potential (900,000 megawatts) off our coasts as the current capacity of all power plants in the United States combined, according to a new report entitled, A Framework for Offshore Wind Energy Development in the United States, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, and General Electric.
    And remember:
    If the U.S. had chosen to be a moral people, and leaving Iraqi oil alone, and following Al Gore, decided to develop the South Western deserts, with the technology of the times - solar/thermal-molten sodium - electricity installations, for the same amount of money as that war cost, ($650 Billion), today, we would be tapping into the largest, renewable, sustainable, PERPETUAL, energy source the world has ever known. It would have paid every energy bill in the U.S.A. for maintenance fees only - FOREVER! It would be equivalent to an oil field that can NEVER run dry! Low cost electric power, and storeable hydrogen gasoline replacement from the electricity, for all!
    After the millions of murders, and $650 billions of dollars, borrowed from our children’s futures and pissed away, with thousands of our own and others maimed and disfigured for life, millions of families utterly destroyed, ours and theirs, we are no closer to Iraqi oil production than the Iraqis are!
    The next time you hear a blithering idiot spoiled brat, drunken, drug addicted, sociopath, rich Arabic saber dancing daddie’s boy oilman, stand at a microphone and threaten YOUR safety with someone ELSE’S weapons, remember what you lost America, remember, and weep! (also see
