Recent comments

  • Reply to: Profiling the Global Warming Skeptics   16 years 1 week ago

    you wouldn't mind accepting CMD's general invitation to create stub articles in SourceWatch for some of these people. Couldn't hurt you, right? :-)

  • Reply to: Kids Who Watch R-Rated Movies More Likely to Smoke   16 years 1 week ago

    It's nothing but a money-thing when you use kids to bend adults over and take away their rights-it's an immoral and unconstitutional thing. Junk science does not a smoker make.

  • Reply to: New Life for Old Newt   16 years 1 week ago

    Ironic, now that the country has a President that appears to be the intellectual equivalent of Bill Clinton, Newt is back. Time will tell if Gingrich will be using the line often used by the antagonists, "curses, foiled again."

  • Reply to: Profiling the Global Warming Skeptics   16 years 1 week ago

    Don't vilify CO2... plant murderers.

  • Reply to: Profiling the Global Warming Skeptics   16 years 1 week ago


    Your attempt to convince people that humans are causing a global warming crisis would be more credible if you were more honest in your depictions.

    You claim, "The list of speakers and the free-market think tanks co-sponsorsing the conference provides a reasonably comprehensive guide to the most active of the remaining global warming skeptics." This attempt to mislead your readers about the large number of scientists who are skeptical of a human-induced global warming crisis makes one wonder about your commitment to truth and honesty.

    As an organizer of the conference, I have had so many impeccably credentialed scientists ask to speak that I have had to beat them off with a stick. Of the more than 100 speakers at last year's conference, we have been able to invite less than half of them back because we have had so many inquiries from scientists who we could not fit on last year's agenda. Sitll other highly credentialed scientists are waiting in the wings for 2010 because we haven't been able to fit them into the 2009 or 2009 program. And even then, we will only be able to invite a minority of them because there are way too many scientists to fit on the agenda.

    Moreover, these are some of the most brilliant minds in science speaking out against the so-called global warming crisis. Among the speakers at next week's conference are scientists from Harvard, MIT, NASA, NOAA, etc. etc.

    If the science is on your side, then you shouldn't feel the need to deliberately misrepresent the nature of your opposition and their scientific arguments. If you encourage a fair, open, and respectful discussion, the truth will eventually prevail.

    James M. Taylor
    Senior Fellow, Environment Policy
    The Heartland Institute
