Recent comments

  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 7 months ago
    "disaster" is what we have right now. And single-payer advocates are cut out of the debate not because "socialism" doesn't work -- every other industrialized country's health care system works better than ours! -- but because the bloodsucking for-profit health insurance industry owns our Congress. And you've obviously learned to live too easily with that.
  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 7 months ago
    If the lobbyists for the insurance and drug industries are against it, single payer is the system i want.
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 7 months ago
    The federal government recently approved a tobacco tax increase of almost 62 cents per pack. When it goes into effect on April 1, it will bring the total federal tax on a pack of cigarettes to $1.00, to help fund the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Children's Health Insurance Program sounds important. seems to me that one should continue to smoke to fund this. The government wants money from smokers but also wants them to quit smoking. In the longer term, if used correctly, cigarette taxes can help wind down and eventually eliminate nicotine addiction. Nicotine is additive yes, but it does not cause cancer. Cancer is caused by the tobacco, tar, 4000 chemicals etc. I got fed up and said, "NO to big tobacco and the taxes that go with them". I smoked for the nicotine, yes it is a choice. I switched to Torch electronic cigarettes, a cleaner, safer and heathier alternative to tobacco cigarettes. Since there is no tobacco and nothing is ignited, it is not part of the Clean Air Act, and I puff anywhere I desire. I am keeping money in MY pocket while I blow "simulated smoke-like vapor" in the face of those non-smoking legislators. For me, Torch is the answer.
  • Reply to: The PR Firm for "Evil"   15 years 7 months ago

    BM isn't the only WPP firm that is evil - what about Hill & Knowlton?
    They have built a global practice based on PR camopaigns for:
    The Kuwaiti Gulf War Campaign, Representing the US tobaco industry for 15 years from 1953 -1968, The Maldives Government along with a list of human rights abusing states including Indonesia (responsible for genocide in East Timor and West Papua), China, Kuwait, Israel, Egypt, and Peru.
    The war in Afghanistan, Enron, The Church of Scientology not to mention running an Anti-Abortion capmaign for the Catholic Church...oh the list goes on and on.
    I'm ashamed to admit I worked for this company for a year but thankfully was able to walk away to greener pastures.
    Now I avoid inviting ANY WPP company to pitch for work...

  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 7 months ago
    Obama ignores single payer because it doesn't work. nevar has, never will. Single payer advocates are cut out of the debate at the outset and that's exactly where they ought to be, Socialism doesn't work. Live with it.
