Recent comments

  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 7 months ago
    In September 1982, when I began smoking at the age of 22, cigarettes were $3.33 for a carton at AAFES. This morning I paid $8.24 for one single pack. It passed ridiculous a long time ago. It is now plain theft! I can poke holes in ALL your best arguments with the single statement: "I am an American". I am afforded inalienable rights by the constitution, including the right to the pursuit of happiness. Regardless of the results of your UNAMERICAN taxes, your methods should be illegal. Research the Boston Tea Party!! I HAVE to pay the taxes when I REALLY don't want to because I will not give up my RIGHT to smoke! YOU WILL NOT MAKE ME QUIT BY STEALING FROM ME!!!!!!!
  • Reply to: SourceWatch: A Strategic, Collaborative Encyclopedia of the People Behind the News   15 years 7 months ago
    PR Watch and Sourcewatch are essential tools for the anti-corporate activist like myself. Jason Gooljar
  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 7 months ago
    The problem with these arguments is it ignores the function of propaganda in our society. Please return to Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent. The United States has ceased to be a free country in any meaningful way (if it ever was). Elections are decided on appearances -- even JFK said so directly more than 40 years ago. As long as this state of affairs continues, it is pointless to blame the sheeple. There is an elaborate 'appearance' of elections which are all that is needed to give the 'appearance' of democracy. Direct proof of stolen elections for many years causes no stir in the people. Maybe in their hearts most know we do not have freedom?
  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 7 months ago
    Typical Green whiner! The most imaginative thing you can think of is telling people to vote Green every four years. Well, frankly, the Greens haven't shown an ability to organize their way out of a wet green paper sack! If the revolution depends on the Greens, everyone go have fun and kiss it goodbye. And I often vote for Green candiudates. But this whining loser attitude that mistakes the Green Party for the Second Coming is one reason why you Greenies turn off so many. Take that vitriol and sniping and aim at liberal sellouts like HCAN and MoveOn, not at the public at large, Greenie.
  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 7 months ago
    It's the voters' fault. YES, I MEAN YOU! You have consistently voted for corporate-financed parties that are dead-set AGAINST single-payer. Why are you complaining? You got what you voted for! Even 5% of the vote for a non-corporate party (like the Green Party) that ADVOCATES single-payer would have sent the Democrats a wake-up call. But no, you TOLD THEM with your votes that what they were doing was just fine. You've made your bed, now lie in it. (And make a wiser choice next election!)
