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  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 7 months ago
    What makes you think that the government has any right to decide whether I smoke or not. It is none of your business what I do with my life. The benefits you list may be true but your point is moot. The government has absolutely no authority to determine whether people smoke or not. Moreover, what give you the right to make me pay for other peoples' health care? Is that the same make belief opinion that believes the government has any right to make sure people have health care? Whether someone has health care or not is not my problem. This entire plan stinks of fascism, that is all it is. People like you who think you know what is best for everyone else and if we don't agree you are going to force it on us. What an jerk off response you wrote, telling someone to go grow his own tobacco. Where in the Constitution does it say I have to grow my own tobacco? This complete lack of reality is why you end up with an idiotic argument like it provides money for children' health care and it will stop smoking. What kind of idiot can not realize that creating a program that is funded by taxing a something you want to stop will only create a program that is underfunded. Then again that is what fascist like you want, create a program that later must be paid for by the general population as no one would have accepted this SCHIP crap if they knew they had to pay for it. It's clear you have never read the Constitution. Well maybe you have, your wrote down how you thought a perfect world would be run and then you called it the Constitution. In your world we are all ruled based on what you think is right. My opinion and freedom mean nothing if it does not jibe with yours. People like you have already made states like CA, NY and MI crap holes, now you want to spread that to the rest of the country. I can't wait to see how miserable the people of this country are in a few years. They deserve the government they got.
  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   15 years 7 months ago

    How many of those guys would have gone over there for the same pay they received in the military. From someone running for Congress in 2010, all I see is overpaid security in a place where one gets paid over 100,000 to wear civilian attire, while the service man or woman next to him or her gets paid a lot smaller percentage. I for one will work to pass a law that does not pay private contractors such as Blackwater or XE or whatever name they come up with next to try and "change their image" from receiving no more than what our men and women in uniform get paid. How many will go then by choice? How many will show up the rodeo then? Taxpayers are tired of paying out billions to idiots that overprice and get contracts from taxpayers without proper and due process. Get all you can XE, it will come to an end.

    Semper Fi

  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 7 months ago
    Unfortunately on the left end of the spectrum groups are so used to failing that it becomes a way of behaving. But I actually think there has been some great and underpaid, not to mention under appreciated, policy work done on single payer by groups like Physicians for a National Health Program. The REAL problem are the mainstream liberal and union groups pouring by now probably a hundred million dollars into [[HCAN]] -- the SEIU, UFCW, MoveOn, etc. This giant liberal coalition is nothing but a cheering section for Obama's inability to bite the hand that has fed him. Look at Obama's big donors, and of course he had more big donors than ANY candidate in the race, and you'll see Wall Street and the Insurance Industry own him as well as the Congress, and these boosters in the unions and the liberal money clique don't want to do anything but have a small chair at that party. Conspiracy? Look at the obvious.
  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 7 months ago
    Anonymous hides behind no name because he knows he is lying through his teeth.The people of single payer nations have said they won't trade their health plans for our s for any reason.They also have better health care according to many world health organizations.Go back to wall street
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 7 months ago
    How about applying some good ol' American innovation to solve the problem? Get yourself some tobacco seeds, grow your own, roll it up and smoke it. Voila! Smoke all you want, with no more taxes, and no more reason to complain. Plus, you'll get to see what real, pure tobacco tastes and feels like without the smootheners, sweeteners, burn accelerators, fillers, [ bug larvae], [[Mold complaints|mold]], and other types of [[Types of Foreign Matter Found in Consumer Complaints in 1989|foreign matter]] found in commercial cigarettes. Best of luck, Anne Landman
