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  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 7 months ago
    Yes I really want to be like all other Americans! Art and literature have been pretty effectively replaced by an obsessive focus on HEALTH. Magazines have replaced short stories and beautiful illustrations with BORING pages of exercises, articles on botox, face lifts, all to make the exterior look good. No brain food there! I am 70, very healthy, gifted with genetic probability to live into my 90's, independant, and a painter looking forward to catching up on all the creativity I missed out on while raising a family and needing to spend my time supporting myself.I really don' t wish to be stuck in some nursing facility being cared for by vapid, tatooed, pierced, celebrity watching, culturally deficient, young health care workers, who listen to that awful stuff that goes by the misnomer of "music' I have already had to try to explain to my Mother, why she was unable to have a satisfactory conversation with them, as she found herself in this situation but at least she married 3 times, ( at sacrifice to her own development) so can afford the care. I can't ! I have tried quiting twice and found that my ficus for painting is really shot.......NOT HAPPENING, I did repetitous mindless physical activity, day after day trying to get past it....NEVER DID! As an old lady, I demand the RiGHT to CHOOSE how I spend the rest of my days, being productively creative..and if they are shortened , so be it! The way the economy is going I could also starve to death or freeze to death! Picasso lived to be 91, smoking and painting!
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 7 months ago
    Has everyone forgotten that this country was built by tobacco? Do you think Jefferson et. al. would have had the time or money to rebel against England were it not for their tobacco plantations? Anti-Tobacco is Anti-American!!
  • Reply to: Oil Industry Advisor Comes Out of His Shell   15 years 7 months ago

    ...that doesn't need expensive fluids, or sell a liquid fuel that you have to buy again next week, which fits into their old paradigm better?
    They want the past back.
    Even automakers are being dragged, kicking and screaming, into the future.

    Would they rather sell a low maintenance ($) plug-in electric, or a high maintenance internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle, with all its expensive (and relatively short-lived) replacement parts? And all the fluids that need replacing (oil, etc) add up to oil company money. So Shell is playing the "shell game" with our planet, taking the myopic approach, but their "cash cow" is almost out of milk.

  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 7 months ago
    "I think it is a good idea for the government to decide what we can eat." I think that's a really bad idea. The problem is that our government's pronouncements about nutrition are already pretty much dictated by food industry lobbies. Have you ever noticed that the government never says you shouldn't eat something, no matter how crappy it is? There's a reason for that. Having government tell us what we can eat would, in effect, be having the food industry tell us what we can eat.
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 7 months ago
    I believe the government should tax people that have body mass index (BMI) that is over 27%. A surcharge could be collected in restaurants and grocery stores (for certain foods determined to cause weight gain). It is very easy to determine BMI and put that number on one's driver's license. I think it is a good idea for the government to decide what we can eat.
