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  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 6 months ago
    Interesting analysis [ on].
  • Reply to: The "Center for Union Facts" Is Rick Berman's Newest Fiction   15 years 6 months ago

    rick you are a peice of work you don't have a clue what your talking about. I herd you on the frank beckman show and you made me sick.If you knew what you were talking about it would be one thing but you don't.The jobs bank was there to stop companies from moving the jobs out of this country.If your job was moved out to another country for cheaper labor you were put into the jobs bank in the hopes that the company would say we have to pay them anyway we might as well keep it here.They call this out sourcing they can out source the job but they have to pay the affected workers.If you lose your job because of a volume reduction you don't go to the jobs bank you get laid off until things pick up just like everybody else in the country. As far as the strike fund goes there may be a billion there but if they call a strick all we get is 75 dollars a weak to walk the picket line so who wants that you make it sound like we get full pay. You have to walk 4 hours a week and the uaw pays your health ins. and you get a whole 75 dollars a week.As far as the health ins. goes when you hit 65 medi caid takes over its your primary ins and what ever it does not pay than and only than does your company ins kick in and what ever medi caid did not.I saw you with neil did you here what he said in a polite way if they go by the way of chapter 11 this will take care of your concerns the pensions and health care so why don't you just stay out of it who the hell do you think you are anyway. I never even herd of you until today. My opion you should get yourself a big cup of S.T.F.U and chill.

  • Reply to: Wisconsin's Balance of Power: The Campaign to Repeal the Nuclear Moratorium   15 years 6 months ago
    Frank, A belated thanks for the additional info. On your question: <blockquote>Your article implies NEI is exploiting my environmental credentials to change public attitudes on nuclear energy. If this is the case, NEI would simply be reproducing an approach used by anti-nuclear organizations, such UCS, which touts David Lochbaum’s past association with the nuclear industry to lend credibility to its criticisms. Is such a tactic legitimate on one side of the debate but not the other?</blockquote> I have a few points in response. One is a simple clarification -- by pointing out that your and others' environmentalism benefits NEI's PR objectives, I am not implying that either your environmental beliefs or your support for nuclear power is insincere. My point was simply that NEI strategically chooses who represents its agenda and how they are portrayed publicly. As a media researcher, my goal is to help people better understand organized campaigns to shape media coverage and public opinion. I don't agree that NEI's highlighting of pro-nuclear environmentalists is similar to UCS' having a former industry person on staff. That's because NEI's goal is to portray the environmental movement as more divided than it actually is, on the issue of nuclear power. (In a way, it's similar to how climate change skeptics highlight a few carefully chosen "experts" to deny that there's a strong scientific consensus on global warming.) To be parallel, UCS would have to highlight Lochbaum in an attempt to argue that the nuclear industry and/or federal regulators are against nuclear power.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin's Balance of Power: The Campaign to Repeal the Nuclear Moratorium   15 years 6 months ago
    They talk about storing wind farm or solar array power by compressing air into geological formations and then releasing the compressed air to power turbines as needed. HOWEVER ... the pressure of the compressed gas is nowhere near what is needed to run a turbine and instead is used to augment natural gas. According to the article the compressed gas allows the turbine to run using only 40% of the natural gas it would otherwise have used. This is NOT carbon-free energy. kbman
  • Reply to: Wisconsin's Balance of Power: The Campaign to Repeal the Nuclear Moratorium   15 years 6 months ago
    Renewable or not, burning wood puts more CO2 into the air - TODAY. CO2 that may take decades for new growth trees to reclaim from the air. We need to stop adding to global atmospheric concentrations ASAP. Burning anything significant for any reason should be increasingly frowned upon, and eventually made illegal. kbman
