Recent comments

  • Reply to: AIG Tight-Lipped About the Cost of Spin   15 years 6 months ago

    Well all I can add is that I was watching Manchester Utd play FC Porto in soccer last night on tv. ( European Champions League ). It was like watching AIG soccer club play so large was the AIG sponsorship on the Manchester United shirts of each player. I can only assume some of this money pays the players' massive salaries.

  • Reply to: FreedomWorks Behind Tax Day Tea Party Protests   15 years 6 months ago

    It's not the right to protest people are laughing at. There were good points being made at some of these tea parties. What people are ridiculing is all the hate speech and ignorance that many are showing at the tea parties. Protesting overtaxation and overspending is fine but most of these people were just upset right wingers protesting obama. I heard many shouting things like "burn the books" and "hang obama". when they say that he is spending less on the military and making us less safe they don't know what they are talking about. Obama has proposed a 4% increase in military spending. when they talk about him raising their taxes once again they don't know what they are talking about because Obama as of the first of this month lowered taxes for EVERYONE making less than 200,000 a year.
    Most people at these parties are good people just misinformed. Don't go repeating everything you get in an E-mail or see on fox news without checking it out first. Fox news knows that you will repeat whatever they tell you and they make stuff up to spread outrage that is unfounded and misguided.

  • Reply to: How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf   15 years 6 months ago

    ...they told their stories to a congressional caucus, not under oath and not to an official session of Congress or Congressional committee. It gave the appearance of testimony to Congress while keeping everyone's butts covered.

  • Reply to: How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf   15 years 6 months ago

    Because they didn't lie under oath.

  • Reply to: FreedomWorks Behind Tax Day Tea Party Protests   15 years 6 months ago

    We got 8 years of GOP rule and the deficit doubled. And we are in a deep recession because of it.
