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  • Reply to: Marco Rubio, Geo Group, and a Legacy of Corruption   5 years 9 months ago
    Thank you for this story. Our newly elected Governor, here in Alaska, announced he has hired Donna Arduin as head of our Office of Management and Budget, right after he announced he has issued a new executive order which increases the power of his budget director. All this, along with Governor Dunleavy, whose campaign was financed by outside money,money from his brother, Francis Dunleavy, who was part of the JP Morgan scandal a few years ago. Sigh....maybe something good will grow out of this big pile of sh-t.
  • Reply to: WMC Spends $600,000 to Demote Chief Justice as Criminal Probe of Walker Campaign Looms   5 years 10 months ago
    After reading the AJR1, which is a resolution mind you, I've discovered the following: 1. The chief justice seat would be vacated every two years (it's a term limit - they are used to avoid long-term corruption and lifetime appointments). 2. The new chief justice would be elected by majority vote from EXISTING court justices. Makes sense - would a company want the general public to vote for their board members, or employees who have worked very closely with the company and the people being considered? 3. Judges of any type are supposed to be beholden to the law, NOT POLITICAL AGENDAS. Why do we need to politicize the court systems as well as everything else? Democrats and Republicans alike have folks in their ranks who want term limits for certain official offices. If a Democrat campaigned for the same resolution, would it still be a big problem?
  • Reply to: For-Profit Health Insurance: Where the Real Death Panels Lie   5 years 10 months ago
    I hate to be a downer but I can kind of see where the company is coming from. Organs are a scarce resource and transplants are expensive with all the immunosuppressants. Putting all those resources into a patient who was probably going to die anyway is a waste of a perfectly good liver.
  • Reply to: Under Pressure, Whole Foods Agrees to Stop Selling Produce Grown in Sewage Sludge   5 years 10 months ago
    Reading Whole Foods rules to sell to them, they have rules for everything EXCEPT biosolids which the exception of a single statement that they "avoid" biosolids which means they use. Everyone keeps promoting their 2014 decision asking with the lie that organic means no biosolids, causing people to eat feces, blood etc. thinking their safe.
  • Reply to: Koch Brothers Are Watching You: And New Documents Reveal Just How Much They Know   5 years 11 months ago
    These psychographics were administered on behalf of the democrats.. Be sure to look it up for yourself, the Koch brothers hate Trump
