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  • Reply to: Republicans Call for Imposing ALEC Zones on Poorest Neighborhoods of Milwaukee   9 years 6 months ago
    This is what you get when you don't pay attention. The voters have spoken......well the ones with money have because they want more.......Democrats are just plain horrible at getting people to vote in the mid term elections.....and then wonder WHY these things happen. What effects your life more.....a Presidential election? Or Local elections like Governor, state senate, state legislatures, Judges,mayors, city council members etc...... pay attention to where YOU live....nobody else really cares. Otherwise you get what you don't vote for............and end up suffering.....its our civic duty to VOTE....SO VOTE
  • Reply to: For-Profit Health Insurance: Where the Real Death Panels Lie   9 years 6 months ago
    This article is so true. Palin, the most ignorant person to ever run for office said Obama's affordable Healthcare act was a death panel in the making. The fact is insurance companies are absolutely the death panel. They rule on who lives and who dies. Let me add to this the Pharma industry.
  • Reply to: Senator Whitehouse Exposes ALEC Climate Change Denial   9 years 6 months ago
    I know it's tempting to debate the deniers. I used to do it all the time. But consider: One second spent debating with deniers is one second lost forever, and this is just what they want: disputation, distraction, and endless delay. Denial (aka delay) equals huge profits to ff corporations. But, in that one second the earth's oceans and atmosphere gain an extra ‘4 Hiroshima atom bombs’ of energy, due to increased greenhouse gases. Instead of engaging with deniers, urge your Congressman to support solutions with letters and phone calls. If she is deaf to reason, give her the sack! There ARE powerful solutions waiting for Congress to act. One is the “carbon fee and dividend,” which would, starting at $10/ton carbon, reduce emissions by 50% in 20 years, and might give us a fighting chance for a livable planet. With the dividend, citizens RECEIVE the fees, and the polluters pay them. So, jobs and GDP grow as well. Those concerned about AGW can also check out Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) at Our goal is to create the political will for a livable planet. The methods and pathways to that goal are explained. CCL is growing rapidly and is one of the best grass roots organizations defending what is left of a stable climate. We need all hands on deck for this crisis. As voters we are in the driver's seat, but we must grip the wheel.
  • Reply to: Tony Robinson Killing Highlights Wisconsin's Racial Inequities   9 years 6 months ago
    First off Tony Robinson was biracial but automatically the article focusses on his black side. 2nd why don't you talk about the crimes black folks commit against each other? How everyday they shoot each other in alarming rates? This young adult and yes young adult not a teenager he was 19 yrs old he can vote and join the military. Was running in and out of traffic and was choking people and then he assaulted the police officer and you focus on how a bi racial adult was shot by a white police officer. Same thing in Ferguson Mike Brown attacked a police officer cops are humans too they have families they wanna go home to in this article and any other article no one I mean NO ONE mentions how these THUGS assaulted a police officer or their criminal past. Heck Tony Robinson was on probation for an home invasion his the judge would have sentenced him how the law was written he would have been in jail and he wouldn't of been shot but no grandma had to write a letter to the judge for sympathy for a lighter sentence. Tony Robinson failed his family and the community plain and simple.
  • Reply to: Gov. Walker Trusts Teachers with Guns, But Not With Collective Bargaining   9 years 6 months ago
    I think the killings at Sandy Hook highlights the fact that banning guns in public buildings does nothing to deter a criminal from carrying a gun in a public building. Additionally, there isn't a scientific study out there that shows allowing concealed carry by law abiding citizens increases crime. Finally, if you make a list of places where criminals and mental defects have successfully carried out mass shootings you will find that a vast majority of them, if not all of them, were in supposedly "gun free" zones.
