It's an awesome flex of political muscle and constitutional laws. What attracts me most to these proposed State constitutional amendments is the Federal Government will have no choice but to institute a single payer system as proposed in HR-676....
Amend, amend, amend!!!
Single payer healthcare system here we come!!!! (Sure, a few more years, but look for it!!)
We've got to keep an eye on those lobbies and prohibit them from writing anything to the "health bill". Once they start to dictate the bylaws of the bill,we are all sunk!
The current world jihad against the West by radical Muslims is actually a resurgence of the original jihad of the 7th cent. that gave the West over a thousand years of Hell until it was stopped militarily in 1683. To understand the radical Muslim mindset, you need to study Islam's history from its rise and spread. Never fear, all the key history facts are free from the Historyscoper, just click to get started and arm your mind with knowledge for the coming fight.
If we went back to study what the Constitution really said (before James Marshall started to pervert it to give the Federal government powers that it wasn't meant to have) the states wouldn't need to do this. But with Obummer wanting to take away more rights from everybody (and giving them to the United Nations or some yet-to-come one-world-government), it's probably a good idea for states (NOTE: States are the equivalent of countries as in "head of state") to grab all rights they can.
I love it!!
It's an awesome flex of political muscle and constitutional laws. What attracts me most to these proposed State constitutional amendments is the Federal Government will have no choice but to institute a single payer system as proposed in HR-676....
Amend, amend, amend!!!
Single payer healthcare system here we come!!!! (Sure, a few more years, but look for it!!)
Goodbye corporate health insurance profiteers!!
We've got to keep an eye on those lobbies and prohibit them from writing anything to the "health bill". Once they start to dictate the bylaws of the bill,we are all sunk!
Forget the smoking--how did her character go from battery acid to saccharine in one scene?
If we went back to study what the Constitution really said (before James Marshall started to pervert it to give the Federal government powers that it wasn't meant to have) the states wouldn't need to do this. But with Obummer wanting to take away more rights from everybody (and giving them to the United Nations or some yet-to-come one-world-government), it's probably a good idea for states (NOTE: States are the equivalent of countries as in "head of state") to grab all rights they can.