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  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   15 years 6 days ago
    The Humane Society of the U.S. is one of the most vocal and active opponents of animal testing in the U.S. and the world. They have a variety of different campaigns to phase out and eventually eliminate all animal testing, for the sake of animals and humans, as do many humane groups, doctors and scientists. Animal testing is a money making scam, designed to push unsafe drugs out onto the market and keep vivisectionists employed. It is cruel, unnecessary and gives conflicting and useless data. 92 % of all drugs that pass animal tests, fail human trials. According to HSUS website: "More than 150 million animals—including mice, rats, birds, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, farm animals, dogs, cats, and non-human primates—are used as experimental subjects each year throughout the world. ....The Humane Society is committed to reducing that number to zero through the use of science, law, educational outreach, government lobbying, and the support of our more than 10 million members worldwide to promote more valid and humane methods of scientific research and product testing." See also HSUS positions on animal research: The HSUS does not city and county humane societies, in Texas or anywhere else. Local societies are run and supported by what ever jurisdiction they are located in. They have nothing to do with the HSUS. If the HSUS does not support animal testing, they certainly don't support pound seizure. On the other hand, CCF supports any and all animal testing. Their main client, Phillip Morris tobacco, still does tons of animal testing. PM helped delay warnings on cigarettes for 20 years because of animal testing. They are big into monkey and dog torture. One of the many reasons CCF attacks animal groups is because of their position on animal testing. The other one is food issues. CCF is very pro factory farming, meat, dairy, fast food , etc. HSUS has exposed a number of slaughter house and factory farm abuses. (Only the tip of the iceberg as they are all filthy hell holes.) The first and only time in history that slaughter house workers were prosecuted for animal cruelty, was after an HSUS investigation in 2008 of a California slaughter house. It was such a horror show it had to be closed down. It was supplying "USDA certified" meat for school lunches. CCF is there to keep the propaganda machine going. Their one and only reason for existence is to do the dirty work for their corporate masters. The other main opponents of the HSUS are the NRA and the hunting lobbies. Hunters are a loud minority. There is nothing "sporting" or necessary about shooting and trapping defenseless animals. Hunters don't simply shoot deer, they shoot wolves, coyotes, foxes, bears and other natural predators. They participate in many cruel methods of hunting, which can only be described as sadistic torture. That includes "canned" hunting; throwing coyotes and other animals into fenced enclosures so their dogs can "practice" on them by tearing them apart; steel leg hold traps; drowning sets and various other "fun" and sporting activities. Mother nature does not need hunters to thin out deer populations, she needs them to leave wild life alone and stop upsetting the balance by killing animals for "sport". The hunters and the gun slingers are afraid of somebody taking their weapons away or telling them that can't shoot at anything that moves. Nobody can say anything nice about the HSUS or any animal group that doesn't send them into fits of sputtering rage. I hope the next time you watch the news and our daily blood bath of murder and mayhem, you think of the good folks at the NRA and a gun for every criminal that wants one! Those groups are are almost as bad as CCF with their tireless propaganda. How ironic that groups responsible for so much death, who get their kicks out of shooting, maiming and tormenting animals, should call animal rights advocates "extremists". I don't know who is feeding you this line, but it is irresponsible to simply repeat half baked propaganda. In the time it took you to post this disinformation on a public message board, you could have simply visited their website and found this out for yourself. It's not a case of which animals are important and which are not. All animals are suffering now. The last time I looked, they were all God's creatures.
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   15 years 6 days ago
    Unfortunately, the reality is that public policies determine many aspects of how we, and animals, must live our lives. That makes lobbying a necessary evil, and while shelters are of the utmost importance, someone must press to enact policies to stop animal cruelty at the commercial level. That is a reality that is beyond shelters' ability to address. Anne Landman
  • Reply to: WellPoint's Heart-Stopping Rate Increase   15 years 6 days ago
    <blockquote>"I'm not sure you addressed my basic question by the way..."</blockquote> So that was a question? My apologies; it came across as just another repetition of that beloved old "slippery slope to socialism" canard. <blockquote>"Look at the deficit..."</blockquote> Endless war? Hellfire missiles blowing up innocents by the score to hit the occasional al Qaeda leader? One of those would pay for a lot of chemotherapy. <blockquote>"...the blank check for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac..." </blockquote> Oh yes, "government" Fanny and Freddy: outrageous executive compensation, shares traded on NYSE and hawked on CNBC, hiring lobbyists to fend off Congressional oversight...perfect example of capitalism given free rein. <blockquote>"I personally believe that profit motivates people (Within reasonable boundaries)."</blockquote> Oh, I agree. Furthermore, it motivates a lot of them far beyond any reasonable boundaries, and that's what we're talking about here. <blockquote>WellPoint CEO pointed out they had a 2009 4.5% profit margin in testimony today. </blockquote> Even that 4.5 percent could pay for an awful lot of patient care rather than going to stockholders. But then there's this: <blockquote>"No one is standing between needed medical care and a consumer, at least no more than the government is standing between a senior and the doctor."</blockquote> Jeez, what a whopper! Medical practices have to hire MBAs to haggle with private insurers for payment for covered services -- could that by any chance be a factor in rising medical costs? -- but I've never had a problem with Medicare. I've never seen hide nor hair of that "government bureaucrat" I keep hearing about. <blockquote>... We want something for nothing and no one in government is honest enough to say it.</blockquote> No, we want something for our something, especially the people who get summarily dumped after after paying in scores of thousands of dollars over years and years. <blockquote>"I don't support a public option (but do support a mandate, elimination of pre-existing clauses, etc...)"</blockquote> ...Which the lobbyists will start chipping away at as soon as it's enacted. There's a fundamental, irreconcilable conflict of interest at the heart of the for-profit health insurance business. I want a public option, and I for one hope it really will end up doing away with private health insurance.
  • Reply to: Cheney's Huge Blunder   15 years 6 days ago
    Welcome to America (Corporatocracy est. 1/21/2010)! Why is this ogre not in prison? Why is he above the law?
  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   15 years 6 days ago
    I am not a fan of HSUS nor will I ever be. I feel that they are lobbyists and they deceive individuals on their website regarding donations. They make people think that they are having a direct impact on helping animals, when in fact it's paying for lobbying against any extreme measure they deem fit. It's just wrong. I tell everyone I know that if you want to make an impact and help out locally, where you live. Donate directly to that shelter. I live in Indiana and we have Humane Societies in just about every county. But I think it's a "mindset" that people believe the HSUS is like a Corporate office for the Humane Societies in our communities and it's NOT. So again, if you worked hard for your money and want to donate it so that the animals actually benefit, take it directly to the shelter or organization you want it to go to. We work too hard to have our money not go to the animals.
