Lady Gaga is very professional artist. I'm fanatic of her. I love her voice and the way she fashionate her self perfect! ... But I want you to know that if you are impersonator of her... be sure that you deserve it!
I really don't understand how Lady Gaga's product placement in her music videos can be represented as 'spin'.
She is a commercial recording artist. Her aim is to make money and sell records.
She has never pretended to be a voice of disenfranchised youth or have 'artistic integrity'.
You are essentially criticising a pop artist for being a pop artist.
This is a world away from, say, an artist that writes songs about or protests against climate change having a large carbon footprint when they are touring or having phoney claims about carbon offsets on their website.
CMD should be about spin - on the left or right - not taste. Just as there is no accounting for taste, there's no accountability either.
Perhaps Michelle Bachmann should include Dick Armey in her list of those to be investigated for having un-American views.
Lady Gaga is very professional artist. I'm fanatic of her. I love her voice and the way she fashionate her self perfect! ... But I want you to know that if you are impersonator of her... be sure that you deserve it!
Hey, it's not like Dick's terror clients got socialized PR; Dick made good Ayn Rand type money for informing the world of his terror client's virtues.
There was no coercion, just good Americans (and Iranians) being entrepreneurial and making jobs.
You lousy commies shouldn't be hard on Dick.
I really don't understand how Lady Gaga's product placement in her music videos can be represented as 'spin'.
She is a commercial recording artist. Her aim is to make money and sell records.
She has never pretended to be a voice of disenfranchised youth or have 'artistic integrity'.
You are essentially criticising a pop artist for being a pop artist.
This is a world away from, say, an artist that writes songs about or protests against climate change having a large carbon footprint when they are touring or having phoney claims about carbon offsets on their website.
CMD should be about spin - on the left or right - not taste. Just as there is no accounting for taste, there's no accountability either.