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  • Reply to: FreedomWorks/Tea Party Leader Dick Armey Lobbied for Terrorist Group   14 years 11 months ago

    The MEK (MKO, Mujaheddin, etc.) is a terrorist cult. They sided with Saddam and killed their own people. They will never be accepted by Iranians.

  • Reply to: Over Half of News Stories are Spin   14 years 11 months ago

    I find this story somewhat misleading. An article on a new baby animal born at the local zoo is probably PR driven. A review of a new musical is most likely "driven by public relations" because the reviewer was probably invited by a PR person. Is that "spin?"

    It should not be as a surprise that many news stories originate with a press release. Not all journalism is investigative. Press releases are a way for journalists to hear about things that aren't already public knowledge. Ideally the PR person sends a press release when the client has done something new or noteworthy. If the journalist agrees, a story might result. It can be a fairly straightforward process, lacking in spin.

    Lastly, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Not all PR people represent corporate clients. Some represent nonprofits, authors, artists, documentary films, stray dog rescue groups, clothing drives for the homeless, etc. PR is good bang for the buck, and cash-strapped organizations often depend on PR to carry their message to their communities.

  • Reply to: Toxic Sludge Taints the White House   14 years 11 months ago
    Ms. Richardson presents one perspective on biosolids use, and it is a minority view. Her coverage of the White House Garden issue last year is incomplete and misleading; go to and scroll down the page for more complete information. The preponderance of thousands of scientific research papers and decades of experience find biosolids use on soils in accordance with regulations to be protective of public health and the environment. That is the finding of the National Academy of Sciences. That is the policy of U. S. EPA, USDA, and FDA - and has been for decades under all administrations. Every state environmental agency accepts biosolids recycling to soil. Biosolids recycling is not a new or unusual practice. It is a critical part of managing sewage sludge, which is a necessary by-product of keeping surface and groundwater clean. While treated sewage sludge - biosolids - cannot be used in certified organic production in accordance with USDA standards, its use in conventional agriculture, in silviculture, and for land reclamation is as safe as other conventional agricultural practices - and it is far more regulated than the uses of animal manure (which present similar risks that must be managed), of which 25 times as much is applied to land in the U. S. Learn more about biosolids recycling - an important environmental program – at
  • Reply to: Junk Food Industry Applies Tobacco's PR Strategies   14 years 11 months ago

    Inspite of the warnings and the labels, the fact remains that it is junk food and that people eating it could be on their way to being obese.
    Firms need to be held to account for their actions and inactions their stakeholders (employees, customers, communities, NGOs and shareholders).
    Yet most corporations have neither the governance structure nor the systems to handle these conflicting demands.
    The IMD OWP 2010 addresses these challenges.

  • Reply to: DOJ Might Be Facebook-Stalking You   14 years 11 months ago
    It makes me sick to my stomach to know people will do anything to get someone out of the way. I couln't live with that guilt. it is a shame and just plain wrong. Can anyone make it right? I refuse to lose my faith.
